
=head1 0.19  2009.12.17

	Fixed ticket:471 "Ecliptic Quick Module Access should use CPAN::SQLite::Search"

=head1 0.18  2009.8.24

	Removed stupid code from Ecliptic :)
	Reverting back to _sharedir until we get the Module::Build a sharedir
	Quick Fix is now in Padre 0.44 core
	Updated Arabic translation

=head1 0.17  2009.8.17

	Depends on Padre 0.43 in Build.PL
	Moved the following to Padre 0.43 core:
		Open resource dialog
		Quick menu access dialog
		Open in file browser action (integrated with directory browser)
	remove private _sharedir and use the one provided by the parent class (szabgab)
	Reuse Padre::Wx::Main help method (szabgab)
	Renamed to the new Padre 0.43 PO naming scheme
	POD fixes.
	Updated translations:
		German translation (Sewi++)
		French translation (jquelin++)

=head1 0.16  2009.8.2

	Updated translations:
		Brazilian portuguese (garu++)
		French (jquelin++)
		Dutch (ddn123456++)
		Japanese (ishigaki++)
	Implemented background searching in "Open resource"
	Added/Updated copyright/license for all the files
	"Open Resource" is truly a non-modal dialog and is smaller/easier to put on 
		the side
	Use plugin's icon on all dialogs...
	'Borrowed' some code to open files from Padre's Directory browser. 
	More UI final touches on "Open Resource"... more simpler...
	Handle Padre crash while calling a Padre action that should be called at that moment
		e.g. no documents...
	Display currently searched directory beside "Open Resource" dialog title
	Added an options popup menu for skip VCS and MANIFEST.SKIP
	"Open Resource" now respects MANIFEST.SKIP if it exists in project directory.
	You can now copy the file path.
	Selecting multiple files displays the number of files selected.
	Open Resource status label should display files paths all the time mimicking Eclipse's behavior.
	Changed "Open in Explorer" to "Open in File Browser" to be more less-win32 centric (El_Che++)
	Make sure the menu event is really valid code before calling it
	Quick Menu Access shall not crash anymore... A dream finally comes true.
	Depends on Padre 0.42 for the Padre Actions API
	Perl tidy and old code cleanup

=head1 0.15  2009.7.20

	- Ignore blib directory as well.
	- require Locale::Msgfmt 0.14
	- Ignore the blib directory as well (szabgab++).
	- Fixed ticket:456 "Ecliptic: quick menu access empty filter does not show 
	- Unified behavior on quick menu, module and outline access.
	- Updated Arabic translation.
	- Keep the recently-opened 20 resources available when 
		you first open the "Open Resource" dialog. Productivity starts here.

=head1 0.14  2009.6.29

	- Only require Locale::Msgfmt when building the .mo files (RSN)

=head1 0.13  2009.6.27

	- Depends on Locale::Msgfmt to build the .mo files at install time (RSN, Ryan52++)

=head1 0.12  2009.6.24

	- Quick fix dialog has less size/position hard-coding. Takes a smaller font 
		than editor's line text height (i.e. works with CTRL +/-)
	- Ctrl+~ is out, Ctrl + Shift + 1 is now used for quick fix to be easier
		to use on uk/german keyboard shortcuts.
	- various POD fixes
	- POD shortcut update (e.g. Ctrl-3 => CTRL + 3)
	- a white background with a simple border like in Eclipse
	- Handled 'no filename' crash
	- Do nothing to exit the dialog when "No suggestion" is selected...

=head1 0.11  2009.6.21

	- Implemented "Quick Fix" popup list box which finds its list via 
	- Renamed List Key bindings into Quick Assist.

=head1 0.10  2009.6.10

	- Fixed "Open in Explorer" to work in KDE and GNOME
	- Updated translations:
		French (jquelin++)

=head1 0.09  2009.6.10

	- Implemented "Open in Explorer" action
	- POD fixes
	- Removing bad code. Padre::Current->main is now plugin->main
	- _T -> Wx::gettext. Alias++

=head1 0.08  2009.6.4

	- Implemented "List of key bindings" as detailed in ticket:379
	- Added translation:
		Polish (therek).

=head1 0.07  2009.5.31

	- [Open Resource] resource path is now shown in the status label.
	- Fixed a couple of GTK assertions
	- Any double-click event on list-box-es have now the same as pressing the OK button [garu++].
	- Avoid the debug assertion by ignoring the root item.

=head1 0.06  2009.5.31

	- Implemented "Quick Module Access" dialog.
	- Fixed 'Use of uninitialized value' on linux in
		"Open Resource" dialog (garu++)
	- Fixed the Kaboom bug in quick menu access in list box selection

=head1 0.05  2009.5.31

	- Implemented "Quick Outline Access" dialog.
	- Added translations:
		French (jquelin).
		Brazilian Portuguese (garu).
		Dutch (Dirk De Nijs).

=head1 0.04  2009.5.30

	- Implemented "Quick Menu Access" dialog.
	- Standard minimum size and centering for all dialogs.
	- Fixed a status message in "Open Resource" dialog.
	- Added Arabic translation.

=head1 0.03  2009.5.29

	- More POD fixes.
	- The "Open Resource" dialog has an ignore CVS/.svn/.git folders checkbox.

=head1 0.02  2009.5.28

	- Implemented "Open Resource" dialog.

=head1 0.01  2009.5.28

	- Initial release to CPAN.