Revision history for Padre-Plugin-Encrypt
0.07 2010.10.19
Make sure it works on latest Padre (RT #61657, RENEEB++). (AZAWAWI)
Added i18n and some error handling to prevent crashes. (AZAWAWI)
Fixed some build issues. (AZAWAWI)
Handled various text encodings properly while decrypting. (AZAWAWI)
Encrypt/Decrypt in hexadecimal to prevent data loss. (AZAWAWI)
Added Arabic translation (AZAWAWI)
Translation files are now copied to share folder using Module::Build's share_dir
0.06 2009.05.31
removed taint mode for tests, leading to build failures (jquelin)
0.05 2009.2.1
for Padre 0.26
0.04 2009.1.5
for Padre 0.23
0.03 2008.11.24
for 'Padre::Plugin' => '0.18'
0.02 2008.11.20
from use to require
0.01 Date/time
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.