Revision history for Padre-Plugin-HTML

0.13   2010.10.29
        Removed Test::NeedsDisplay dependency (AZAWAWI)

0.12   2010.10.27
        t/00-load.t is magically injected by [@PadrePlugin] via [LoadTests] (AZAWAWI)

0.11   2010.10.26
        Switched to Dist::Zilla (AZAWAWI)
        Added compatibility with the latest Padre (AZAWAWI)
        Added Arabic translation (AZAWAWI)

0.10    2010.08.25
        compatibility with latest Padre (CHORNY)
        link to 'HTML 4.01 Specification' (CHORNY)
        Padre::Document::HTML => Padre::Plugin::HTML::Document (CHORNY)

0.09    2009.05.31
        removed taint mode for test, leading to build failure (jquelin)

0.08    2009.1.23
        for Padre 0.26

0.07    2009.1.5
        for Padre 0.23

0.06    2008.12.24

0.05    2008.12.19
        add Padre::Document::HTML with get_command

0.04    2008.12.19
        fix htmltidy

0.03    2008.12.18
        small bug fix

0.02    2008.12.18
        add HTML::Lint

0.01    Date/time
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.