Revision history for Padre-Plugin-HTMLExport

0.07   2010.10.27
        t/00-load.t is magically injected by [@PadrePlugin] via [LoadTests] (AZAWAWI)

0.06   2010.10.26
        Added translation files (ZENOG)
        Added German translation (ZENOG)
        Added Italian translation (SBLADIN)
        Added Arabic translation (AZAWAWI)
        Minor message changes (ZENOG)
        Compatiblity with latest Padre (ZENOG, AZAWAWI)
        Switched to Dist::Zilla (AZAWAWI)

0.05    2009.05.31
        removed taint mode for tests, leading to build errors (jquelin)

0.04    2009.2.1
        for Padre 0.26

0.03    2009.1.5
        for Padre 0.23

0.02    2008.12.30
        Fixed it to work with Padre 0.22
        Moved to Module::Install

0.01    2008.11.28
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.