
=head1 0.46 2009.6.24

	- More source documentation on quick fixes.
	- No more insertion of text; just current line string replacement.
	- Comment error line' is more accurate.
	- Fixed a possible point of failure.
	- Respect document newline and user's indentation.
	- Comment error line quick fix is always the last one if an error occurs is 
		on the current line
	- Finally implemented 'Surround with try { ... }' quick fix. Perl 6 
		exception handling with indentation.
	- use a # and a space to toggle comments to avoid '#(' parametric comments

=head1 0.45 2009.6.23

	- Fixed Inlined P6 template to be recognized as Perl 5.
	- Added "New Perl 6 Script" for consistency.
	- No more string interpolation (just in case) in quick fix messages.
	- Quick fix messages are more user friendly.
	- Error/warnings messages are now trimmed before testing for possible fixes.
	- Implemented the following quick fixes:
		- Use $! instead of $@ for eval errors
		- Use +> for numeric right shift
		- Use ~> for string right shift
		- Use +< for numeric left shift
		- Use ~< for string left shift
		- Use !~~ instead of !~ for negated pattern matching.
		- Use ~~ instead of =~
		- Use ~= instead of .=.
		- Use ?? !! instead of ? :.
		- Use ?? (...) !! instead" to fix precedence errors.
		- Use !! instead of ::" in Perl 6 ternary ?? operator
		- Use [N..*] for indefinite range
		- Use (1..N).pick instead of rand(N)
		- Use N.pick instead of rand(N)
		- Use [*-1] instead of [-1]
		- Use loop (;;) instead of for (;;)
	- "Comment error line" now adds a # and then a space to handle conflict with Perl 6 embedded comments
	- More case insensitive error matching
	- "Comment error line" quick fix is always shown when there is an issue on the current line
	- Removed unneeded \-escaping from s//replacement/ from some of the quick fixes
	- Depends on S:H:P6 0.63 which fixes undeclared Bar for 'module Foo::Bar { }; module Bar { };'

=head1 0.44 2009.6.21

	- A Perl 6 document supports both Ecliptic's event_on_quick_fix and Padre's 
		right click menu
	- Implemented quick fixes for the following STD warnings/errors:
		- Undeclared routine and keywords: foo() or if()
		- Variable is not predeclared
		- Use ~ instead of . for string concatenation
		- use of C++ constructor syntax
		- Use . instead of -> for method call
	- Implemented Comment error line quick fix
	- Fixed highlighting to work over multiple Perl 6 document tabs

=head1 0.43 2009.6.20

	- Cleaned up Perl 6 menu to be more elegant.
	- Added Create Perl 6 class/grammar/..etc menu
	- Added the concept of export/generate sub menu.
	- Refactored preferences dialog:
		- Removed unwanted stuff
		- Enabled localization
		- 'Enable coloring' is now in preferences and it is enabled by default.
	- Depends on S:H:P6 0.62 which fixes the undefined return value from 
		STD->parse(\s*) bug
	- Fixed ticket:393 - Perl 6: switching to Parrot based highlighting does 
		not work
	- Refactored colorizer task into separate PGE and STD tasks.
	- Handle STD's undeclared rountine(s) warning more properly.
	- Implemented the creation of the Perl 6 template files by borrowing code 
		from Padre :)
	- Added a bigger Perl 6 Camelia icon in the about box.
	- No more manual syntax highlighting menu item.
	- Handled no document situation in a couple of actions.
	- Remove building of .mo files as it is now managed by szabgab++
	- Fixed S29-functions.pod bad location
	- Fixed "Generate PIR" dying when rakudo does not parse the Perl 6 file.

=head1 0.42 2009.6.18

	- Fixed " was not being copied" by renaming it to p6tokens.p5
	- Depends on S:H:P6 0.61 which fixes ticket:392 undeclared prompt()
	- Updated to version 43 of S29-functions.pod (30-May-2009)
	- Major refactoring to stop polluting Padre::Document and Padre::Task 
	- STD error/warning parsing is now case insensitive. and added support 
		for "Undeclared routine" warning.
	- STD lex corruption message was misleading and not localized. This usually 
		happens when you upgrade Syntax::Highlight::Perl6.
	- Decreased wait time before starting another colorizing task to 100 ms 
		instead 1 sec.
	- A couple of various refactorings:
		- _T -> Wx::gettext.
		- use -> require to improve startup speed.

=head1 0.41 2009.5.30

	- Added Spanish translation (BRUNOV)
	- Added Brazilian Portuguese translation (GARU)
	- Added Camelia plugin icon.
	- Unified usage of PADRE_PLUGIN_PERL6 for author-only stuff across 
		Build.PL and tests.
	- Added "Generate Perl6 EXEcutable" feature.
	- Added "Generate Perl6 PIR" feature.
	- Fixed name typos "Perl6" is "Perl 6" (Moritz Lenz)++
	- Added missing dependency to Class::XSAccessor
	- Switch over to the new constant package for the colour constants
	- Updated the Padre::Plugin dependency to Padre 0.36

=head1 0.40 2009.5.23

	- Now uses Module::Build instead of Module::Install (Thanks for jquelin for the idea)
	- Added author tests for compilation and pod correctness that can be enabled by
		PADRE_PLUGIN_PERL6 environment variable.
	- Changes is now POD instead of plain text.
	- Depends on S:H:P6 0.57 which contains Two important fixes.
	- Added localization via Wx::gettext and started a sample Arabic translation.
	- Added French translation (jquelin).
	- Added Polish translation (therek).
	- Added Chinese (Traditional) translation (BLUET).

=head1 0.39 2009.5.9

	- Added support for slang and knowhow package declarators in outline view.
	- F6->F7 refresh coloring since F6 is used by Padre
	- Depends on S:H:P6 0.54 which contains the latest STD with the new slang package declarator keyword.
	- Fixed a bug where File::Which::where should be used in a scalar context and caused export html feature to fail sometimes.

=head1 0.38 2009.5.7

	- Fixed ticket:234 - improve the automatic syntax highlighting of Perl6
	- Depends on S:H:P6 0.53 which has a better STD error message for 'for lines {...}'

=head1 0.37 2009.5.6

	- Issue an error in the syntax check window if the STD lex cache is corrupted
	- Depends on S:H:P6 0.52 which contains the tmp_prefix fix 
		and the latest STD and has less depdendencies
	- Added a preview preferences UI dialog which is not finished btw :)

=head1 0.36 2009.5.5

	- Depends on S:H:P6 0.50 which contains the latest parser.
	- Fixed ticket:302 perl6 syntax highlighting and outline not active on vista using wperl.exe
	- Identify Perl6 .HOW / ^ class methods in outline view...

=head1 0.35 2009.4.30

	- Depends on S:H:P6 0.48 which contains latest STD that warns about redeclared types.
	- Update syntax and outline windows when syntax highlighting finishes.

=head1 0.34 2009.4.26

	- Supports private methods in Outline view
	- Supports attributes in Outline view

=head1 0.33 2009.4.25

	- Displays and November fully in Outline view
	- Updated to the latest S29-functions.pod
	- Perl 6 Plugin depends now on Syntax::Highlight::Perl6 v0.45 which fixes an 
		can parse again without any warnings.
	- A new symbol table method is used in outline view since 
		Perl 6 identifiers/expressions can be multi-token like 
		set-cache-entry (5 tokens)

=head1 0.32 2009.4.24

	- Parent nodes have their type between brackets next to their name
	- use/require-s are now in Modules node.
	- For P6 code the default package is GLOBAL.

=head1 0.31 2009.4.24

	- Outline view now handles subroutines, methods, submethods, macros,
		regexes, tokens and rules.

=head1 0.30 2009.4.24

	- Fixed a missing in MANIFEST

=head1 0.29 2009.4.24

	- Initial Working Perl 6 Outline view
	- Depends on Syntax::Highlight::Perl6 0.043 which has line number information

=head1 0.28 2009.4.20

	- Depends on Syntax::Highlight::Perl6 0.041 which has the newest STD with CORE.pad

=head1 0.27 2009.4.19

	- update the path to reach the perl 6 executable
	- Changed version numbers so all the modules will have the same number.

=head1 0.026 2009.2.04

	- Takes advantage of performance improvements by using Syntax::Highlight::Perl6 0.040
	- Updated to S29-function.pod pugs r25021
	- Works with Padre 0.26

=head1 0.025 2009.1.8

	- Depends on Syntax::Highlight::Perl6 0.030 which fixes hilitep6 binmode STDIN issue for utf8
	- Limit number of S29 function calltip text to the first 10 lines.
	- Remove ANSI color escape sequences from warnings/errors.
	- Fix S29-function.pod parsing case sensitivity bug on *nix platforms.
	- Fix highlighting to actually work. ;-)
	- errors/warnings are shown on console.

=head1 0.024 2009.1.7

	- Fix run rakudo script on win32
	- is now syntax highlighted correctly since we use IPC::Run3 binmode utf8
	- Replaced IPC::Run 0.82 with the improved IPC::Run3 0.42
	- Revised menu structure
	- Updated to S29-Function.pod revision 24793 to fix some common function docs like say, print ..etc

=head1 0.023 2009.1.6

	- Added the lex cache directory cleanup option

=head1 0.022 2009.1.5

	- Added S29 function documentation calltips
	- F2 now launches the S29 documentation in your default browser
	- requires Syntax::Highlight::Perl6 0.0297
	- requires Padre 0.24

=head1 0.021 2009.1.5

	- S29 function documentation when you hit F2 over a function (or a word)

=head1 0.020 2009.1.4

	- Fixed plugin to work with AdamK's r2436 refactoring.

=head1 0.019 2009.1.3

	- Implemented manual refresh and selective of Perl 6 syntax highlighter.

=head1 0.018 2009.1.3

	- Fixed missing dependency on IPC::Run
	- Added tests

=head1 0.017 2009.1.3

	- Fixed syntax check to work again with Padre-Plugin-Perl6
	- More stable, one thread solution to ticket:194.

=head1 0.016 2009.1.3

	- Possible fix to trac ticket:194, Slow Perl6 syntax highlighting

=head1 0.015 2009.1.1

	- differentiate between STD warnings and errors in syntax check (ticket:193)
	- Requires S::H::P6 version 0.02962 to fix Class:MOP/Moose win32 
	installation failures.

=head1 0.014 2008.12.28

	- export html now asks the user if he/she wants to open the HTML in the default browser
	- Requires Syntax::Highlight::Perl6 version 0.02961

=head1 0.013 2008.12.24

	- Added a menu separator before About menu item in Padre::Plugin::Perl6
	- Another message typo fix in Padre::Document::Perl6
	- Show an error message box in the following situations: 
		- exporting a non-Perl6 file 
		- parsing error occurs

=head1 0.012 2008.12.22

	- Added Perl6 Syntax checking.
	- Handled newlines for Mac/Unix and Win platforms in export feature.
	- Added Export simple, snippet and full HTML.

=head1 0.011 2008.12.21

	- Source cleanup and POD fixes.

=head1 0.01  2008.12.20

	- Initial release to CPAN
	- Support keyword scintilla auto completion
	- Supports Perl6 highlighting via Syntax::Highlight::Perl6
	- Moving out from the Padre source code