Revision history for Syntax::Highlight::Perl6.
0.56 2009.5.19
- Bundled latest STD
- Depends on Moose 0.79
0.55 2009.5.11
- Bundled latest STD which fixes a warning typo in special_variable \$
- Removed unused code
0.54 2009.5.9
- Bundled latest STD which has support the slang package declarator
- use->require to improve startup cost
- removed 'use English' dependency
0.53 2009.5.7
- Bundled latest STD which has a better error message for 'for lines {...}'
0.52 2009.5.6
- Bundled latest STD
- Removed dependency on Readonly
- Updated Moose dependency to 0.77
0.51 2009.5.5
- Bundled latest STD which improves error messages on accidental listops
- Added tmp_prefix which controls where STD stores its temporary files
0.50 2009.5.4
- Bundled latest STD
0.49 2009.5.1
- Bundled latest STD
0.48 2009.04.30
- Upgraded dependencies of YAML::Syck to 1.07 and Moose to 0.76.
- Bundled latest STD which now warns about redeclared variables.
0.47 2009.04.28
- Bundled latest STD.
0.46 2009.04.26
- Bundled latest STD.
0.45 2009.04.25
- Fixed a redspans bug when parsing; TimToady++
- Bundled latest STD.
0.44 2009.04.25
- Bundled latest STD.
0.43 2009.04.24
- Made the bold version change; no more confusing 0.0xx
- Bundled latest STD which fixes a parse bug
0.043 2009.04.24
- Depends on Moose 0.75
- Added lineno (line number) to tokens record
0.042 2009.04.22
- Bundled latest STD and perl6.vim and jQuery 1.3.2
0.041 2009.04.20
- Depends on Moose 0.74 and Term::ANSIColor 2.0
- Bundled latest STD and perl6.vim
- Fixed Test::More version dependency to 0.86
0.040 2009.02.04
- Depends on Moose 0.67
- Updated to perl6.vim r25186
0.039 2009.01.30
- Updated to STD r25123 (smaller lex directory & better startup performance)
- Updated to perl6.vim r25100
0.038 2009.01.28
- Fixed namespace collision issues that was introduced in 0.037
0.037 2009.01.28
- Moved rsc folder as S::H::P6::files (less namespace collision)
- Updated to STD r25081
- Updated to perl6.vim r25076
0.036 2009.01.27
- Includes latest STD, perl6.vim and jquery 1.3.1
0.035 2009.01.25
- Updated to the latest
0.034 2009.01.17
- Updated to jquery 1.3
- Updated to latest and perl6.vim
0.033 2009.01.13
- Fixed dependency on Test::Exception (Thanks to jerome quelin)
0.032 2009.01.11
- Updated to latest
0.030 2009.01.08
- Fixes hilitep6 binmode STDIN issue for utf8
- Updated to latest
0.0297 2009.01.05
- Updated to latest and perl6.vim
0.02963 2009.01.03
- hilitep6 was doing --clean-html all the time
0.02962 2009.01.01
- Requires Moose 0.64 to fix win32 Class::MOP installation problems
- Changed license to Perl
0.02961 Dec 29 2008
- Skipped running t/02-hilitep6.t on win32 since test hanged.
0.0296 Dec 29 2008
- Moved to Module::Install
- Cursor.pmc - Fixed the log file creation even though debug is disabled
- Removed bug from BUGS section 'A log file is always created when
using this module'.
- Fix Cursor.pmc STD5DEBUG warning message
- Added tests for script/hilitep6
- Fix $DELIM warning bug caused by gimme4
- Updated perl6.vim
0.0295 Dec 19 2008
- Fixed _escape_html to actually work
- Added tests to verify that html escaping works
0.0294 Dec 19 2008
- Fixed ->new croak bug about text => q{}
- Added a test to check for text => q{}
0.0293 Dec 19 2008
- Renamed parse_trees to tokens and it now returns an array of hashes
- Added more tests to check tokens
- Bundled the latest and perl6.vim
0.0292 Dec 18 2008
- Cursor.pmc does not depend on system 'cp', it now uses File::Copy
- Updated BUGS section.
0.0291 Dec 18 2008
- Updated to latest
- Updated to latest perl6.vim.
- Cursor.pmc has lexer caching which improve performance a bit.
0.029 Dec 17 2008
- Fix the my-variable sharing bug that caused the parser
to work once for all instances.
- Added two tests to check for that bug.
- Moose 0.57 -> 0.63 dependency.
0.028 Dec 17 2008
- syntax-highlight-p6 is now hilitep6
- added version prequisites for dependencies
- POD fixes (e.g. =item -> =head2 in methods section)
0.027 Dec 16 2008
- Added bin/syntax-highlight-p6
- Updated to latest perl6.vim
- Passed most important perlcritic --harsh (-1)
0.026 Dec 16 2008
- More documention updates. No changes to functionality.
0.025 Dec 14 2008
- Updated perl6.vim to r24360
- Added missing t/01-vim.t
- Only 35 warnings in perlcritic --brutal or -1
- survived perlcritic -3 (--harsh) with 2 unsolved...
- Added Readonly dependency, Text::VimColor is optional
- More documentation updates
- Text::VimColor support is totally optional now.
->vim_html will croak if it is not installed and will
also provide some advice about life in general ;-)
- Renamed Actions package to Syntax::Highlight::Perl6::Actions
0.024 Dec 13 2008
- Added vim_html method that uses Text::VimColor and perl6.vim
to generate VIM CSS-inlined complete htmls
- Added tests for vim_html and removed version from README
0.023 Dec 13 2008
- Added 23 tests
- POD fixes, diagrams, ..etc
- Removed a unicode wide-char
- parse_trees() method now returns the correct array of records
0.022 Dec 12 2008
- Fixed Makefile.PL so that META.yml is generated automatically
0.021 Dec 12 2008
- META.yml is now copied correctly in 'make dist'
0.02 Dec 12 2008
- Refactored ugly File::Spec->joins and inlining of js/css code.
- 'clean_html' option is now 'inline_resources'
- Added option 'resource_url' to prefix resources when externalized
- 'file' option is now called 'page_title'
- Refactored strings into 'use constant'-s
- Refactored reading css and ansi files code
- No more die-ing just croak-ing ;-)
- Removed dependency on YAML::Dumper added by mistake
- -> LazyMap.pmc and updated MANIFEST
- Updated POD documentation
0.01_01 Dec 12 2008
- Bumped version to 0.01_01 (Developer release)
- Privatized some methods that you should not use
- Removed dependency on File::Slurp and YAML::Dumper
- Replaced yaml() method with parse_trees
- Renamed ansi() method with ansi_text
- Major refactoring and documentation fixes
0.01 Dec 11 2008
- Initial release (really alpha)