Revision history for Syntax::Highlight::Perl6.
0.79 2010.2.23
Bundled the latest awesome (lwall++) r29781
Used temporary folders for STD artifacts while testing
Fixed Cursor.pmc so that syml folder is created properly inside the temp directory
Upgrade to jQuery 1.4.2 for the extra performance.
Added RE_ast.pmc
hilitep6 is now a bit slower than before since it uses a temporary folder for
STD artifacts
0.78 2010.1.10
Bundled the latest from lwall++
0.77 2009.12.12
Bundled the latest STD innovation (lwall++) r29330
Default rule in constructor is now TOP instead of comp_unit
Commented a failing STD parsing test
Switch back from YAML::Syck to YAML::XS (Cursor.pmc)
0.76 2009.9.29
Bundled the latest STD innovation (lwall++):
- package name refactor; stashes now know their own unique id name
conflicting package symbols now report which package they conflict in
(lexicals are always assumed to conflict in the current scope)
- add AttributeDeclarand and ContainerDeclarand roles to CORE.setting
- make mechanism for checking infix ops in EXPR reduce
- delay .= check till EXPR reduction time
- require () on .'foo'() calls
- delete obsolete .:foo form
- recognize sub stubs and don't complain about redefinition
- move pi, e, and i out of term:-space; they are now just CORE constants
- make undefined message slightly L LTA
- add warning comment to dotty section about starting with dot
- catch attempt to declare symbol previously aliased into an outer scope
0.75 2009.9.19
Bundled the latest STD innovation (lwall++):
- revise LTA message on $x<10
- provide reliable way of resetting position before panic
0.74 2009.9.18
- Bundled the latest STD which contains the following fixes:
- don't record null nibbles unless whole string is ''
- fix up nibbler's AST node a bit
- trap malformed :3 radix
- fix colomon++'s bug on >>->> parsing
0.73 2009.9.7
- Bundled which has the following changes:
- remove dup our declarations for azawawi++
- fix LTA message on my $x = for 1..10 {...}
- only default package declarations to 'our'
- change to new definitions for contextuals and readonly binding
- 2nd-term lookahead should suppress errors
- don't complain about ?: unless there's a : before the next ;
- don't guess on suspicion of two terms in a row, just check it already.
- improve message on unexpected infix
- disallow alphanums as delimiters
0.72 2009.8.20
- Bundled which has the following changes:
- parse #=[...] comments
- improve message after map {} @a
0.71 2009.8.14
- Perl tidied the files to Padre's standards
- Added more stuff to MANIFEST.SKIP
- Require Moose 0.89
- Bundled latest that fixes the following:
- made comment into a syntax category
- deprecate backticklessness
- parse indented pod
- catch #` with no opener
0.70 2009.8.12
- Bundled which has the "Embedded comment without backtick
is deprecated" warning
0.69 2009.8.11
- Updated to the latest which has better error messages
0.68 2009.8.9
- Fixed "substr outside of string" warning
- Updated to the latest STD which fixes the TMP_PREFIX not working bug
0.67 2009.8.4
- Removed unused YAML::XS dependency in CORE.pad which caused some failures
0.66 2009.8.3
- Finally updated to latest This release may be buggy a bit.
- require Moose 0.88 to get Class::MOP 0.9x performance fixes...
0.65 2009.7.21
- Syntax::Highlight::Perl6 lives now in Padre's repository.
- Fixed ticket:461 "Syntax check hanging with perl6 infix & regex"
- Moved from S:H:P6 to Perl6::Refactor.
0.64 2009.6.25
- Bundled which allows whitespacey forms on rand and .[-1] checkers
and more fixes.
0.63 2009.6.21
- Bundled which fixes the following:
- module Foo::Bar { }; module Bar { }; # used to say Bar is redeclared
- package A; package B; # it warns about it now
0.62 2009.6.18
- Bundled which fixes the undefined return value on STD->parse('')
0.61 2009.6.18
- Fixed a redspans bug that caused output to be invalid
0.60 2009.6.18
- Bundled which fixes undeclared routines like prompt()
0.59 2009.5.30
- Bundled latest
0.58 2009.5.29
- Bundled which fixes 00o7 bug (leading zeros before radix in integers)
- Removed perl6.vim support
0.57 2009.5.19
- Bundled latest STD which fixes two important bugs
* named-parameter-with-default-assumes-positional bug
* allow only =begin END to omit its =end
0.56 2009.5.19
- Bundled latest STD
- Depends on Moose 0.79
0.55 2009.5.11
- Bundled latest STD which fixes a warning typo in special_variable \$
- Removed unused code
0.54 2009.5.9
- Bundled latest STD which has support the slang package declarator
- use->require to improve startup cost
- removed 'use English' dependency
0.53 2009.5.7
- Bundled latest STD which has a better error message for 'for lines {...}'
0.52 2009.5.6
- Bundled latest STD
- Removed dependency on Readonly
- Updated Moose dependency to 0.77
0.51 2009.5.5
- Bundled latest STD which improves error messages on accidental listops
- Added tmp_prefix which controls where STD stores its temporary files
0.50 2009.5.4
- Bundled latest STD
0.49 2009.5.1
- Bundled latest STD
0.48 2009.04.30
- Upgraded dependencies of YAML::Syck to 1.07 and Moose to 0.76.
- Bundled latest STD which now warns about redeclared variables.
0.47 2009.04.28
- Bundled latest STD.
0.46 2009.04.26
- Bundled latest STD.
0.45 2009.04.25
- Fixed a redspans bug when parsing; TimToady++
- Bundled latest STD.
0.44 2009.04.25
- Bundled latest STD.
0.43 2009.04.24
- Made the bold version change; no more confusing 0.0xx
- Bundled latest STD which fixes a parse bug
0.043 2009.04.24
- Depends on Moose 0.75
- Added lineno (line number) to tokens record
0.042 2009.04.22
- Bundled latest STD and perl6.vim and jQuery 1.3.2
0.041 2009.04.20
- Depends on Moose 0.74 and Term::ANSIColor 2.0
- Bundled latest STD and perl6.vim
- Fixed Test::More version dependency to 0.86
0.040 2009.02.04
- Depends on Moose 0.67
- Updated to perl6.vim r25186
0.039 2009.01.30
- Updated to STD r25123 (smaller lex directory & better startup performance)
- Updated to perl6.vim r25100
0.038 2009.01.28
- Fixed namespace collision issues that was introduced in 0.037
0.037 2009.01.28
- Moved rsc folder as S::H::P6::files (less namespace collision)
- Updated to STD r25081
- Updated to perl6.vim r25076
0.036 2009.01.27
- Includes latest STD, perl6.vim and jquery 1.3.1
0.035 2009.01.25
- Updated to the latest
0.034 2009.01.17
- Updated to jquery 1.3
- Updated to latest and perl6.vim
0.033 2009.01.13
- Fixed dependency on Test::Exception (Thanks to jerome quelin)
0.032 2009.01.11
- Updated to latest
0.030 2009.01.08
- Fixes hilitep6 binmode STDIN issue for utf8
- Updated to latest
0.0297 2009.01.05
- Updated to latest and perl6.vim
0.02963 2009.01.03
- hilitep6 was doing --clean-html all the time
0.02962 2009.01.01
- Requires Moose 0.64 to fix win32 Class::MOP installation problems
- Changed license to Perl
0.02961 Dec 29 2008
- Skipped running t/02-hilitep6.t on win32 since test hanged.
0.0296 Dec 29 2008
- Moved to Module::Install
- Cursor.pmc - Fixed the log file creation even though debug is disabled
- Removed bug from BUGS section 'A log file is always created when
using this module'.
- Fix Cursor.pmc STD5DEBUG warning message
- Added tests for script/hilitep6
- Fix $DELIM warning bug caused by gimme4
- Updated perl6.vim
0.0295 Dec 19 2008
- Fixed _escape_html to actually work
- Added tests to verify that html escaping works
0.0294 Dec 19 2008
- Fixed ->new croak bug about text => q{}
- Added a test to check for text => q{}
0.0293 Dec 19 2008
- Renamed parse_trees to tokens and it now returns an array of hashes
- Added more tests to check tokens
- Bundled the latest and perl6.vim
0.0292 Dec 18 2008
- Cursor.pmc does not depend on system 'cp', it now uses File::Copy
- Updated BUGS section.
0.0291 Dec 18 2008
- Updated to latest
- Updated to latest perl6.vim.
- Cursor.pmc has lexer caching which improve performance a bit.
0.029 Dec 17 2008
- Fix the my-variable sharing bug that caused the parser
to work once for all instances.
- Added two tests to check for that bug.
- Moose 0.57 -> 0.63 dependency.
0.028 Dec 17 2008
- syntax-highlight-p6 is now hilitep6
- added version prequisites for dependencies
- POD fixes (e.g. =item -> =head2 in methods section)
0.027 Dec 16 2008
- Added bin/syntax-highlight-p6
- Updated to latest perl6.vim
- Passed most important perlcritic --harsh (-1)
0.026 Dec 16 2008
- More documention updates. No changes to functionality.
0.025 Dec 14 2008
- Updated perl6.vim to r24360
- Added missing t/01-vim.t
- Only 35 warnings in perlcritic --brutal or -1
- survived perlcritic -3 (--harsh) with 2 unsolved...
- Added Readonly dependency, Text::VimColor is optional
- More documentation updates
- Text::VimColor support is totally optional now.
->vim_html will croak if it is not installed and will
also provide some advice about life in general ;-)
- Renamed Actions package to Syntax::Highlight::Perl6::Actions
0.024 Dec 13 2008
- Added vim_html method that uses Text::VimColor and perl6.vim
to generate VIM CSS-inlined complete htmls
- Added tests for vim_html and removed version from README
0.023 Dec 13 2008
- Added 23 tests
- POD fixes, diagrams, ..etc
- Removed a unicode wide-char
- parse_trees() method now returns the correct array of records
0.022 Dec 12 2008
- Fixed Makefile.PL so that META.yml is generated automatically
0.021 Dec 12 2008
- META.yml is now copied correctly in 'make dist'
0.02 Dec 12 2008
- Refactored ugly File::Spec->joins and inlining of js/css code.
- 'clean_html' option is now 'inline_resources'
- Added option 'resource_url' to prefix resources when externalized
- 'file' option is now called 'page_title'
- Refactored strings into 'use constant'-s
- Refactored reading css and ansi files code
- No more die-ing just croak-ing ;-)
- Removed dependency on YAML::Dumper added by mistake
- -> LazyMap.pmc and updated MANIFEST
- Updated POD documentation
0.01_01 Dec 12 2008
- Bumped version to 0.01_01 (Developer release)
- Privatized some methods that you should not use
- Removed dependency on File::Slurp and YAML::Dumper
- Replaced yaml() method with parse_trees
- Renamed ansi() method with ansi_text
- Major refactoring and documentation fixes
0.01 Dec 11 2008
- Initial release (really alpha)