package Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseElements::GroundCloseWithDocumentsRequest;
  $Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseElements::GroundCloseWithDocumentsRequest::VERSION = '0.01120790';
use strict;
use warnings;

{ # BLOCK to scope variables

sub get_xmlns { '' }

use base qw(




=head1 NAME


=head1 VERSION

version 0.01120790


Perl data type class for the XML Schema defined element
GroundCloseWithDocumentsRequest from the namespace

=head1 NAME


=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

 my $element = Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseElements::GroundCloseWithDocumentsRequest->new($data);

Constructor. The following data structure may be passed to new():

 { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::GroundCloseWithDocumentsRequest
   WebAuthenticationDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::WebAuthenticationDetail
     UserCredential =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::WebAuthenticationCredential
       Key =>  $some_value, # string
       Password =>  $some_value, # string
   ClientDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::ClientDetail
     AccountNumber =>  $some_value, # string
     MeterNumber =>  $some_value, # string
     IntegratorId =>  $some_value, # string
     Localization =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::Localization
       LanguageCode =>  $some_value, # string
       LocaleCode =>  $some_value, # string
   TransactionDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::TransactionDetail
     CustomerTransactionId =>  $some_value, # string
     Localization => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::Localization
   Version =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::VersionId
     ServiceId =>  $some_value, # string
     Major =>  $some_value, # int
     Intermediate =>  $some_value, # int
     Minor =>  $some_value, # int
   CloseDate =>  $some_value, # date
   CloseDocumentSpecification =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::CloseDocumentSpecification
     CloseDocumentTypes => $some_value, # CloseDocumentType
     Op950Detail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::Op950Detail
       Format =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::CloseDocumentFormat
         Dispositions =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::ShippingDocumentDispositionDetail
           DispositionType => $some_value, # ShippingDocumentDispositionType
           Grouping => $some_value, # ShippingDocumentGroupingType
           StorageDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::ShippingDocumentStorageDetail
             FilePath =>  $some_value, # string
             FileNaming => $some_value, # ShippingDocumentNamingType
             FileSuffix =>  $some_value, # string
           EMailDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::ShippingDocumentEMailDetail
             EMailRecipients =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::ShippingDocumentEMailRecipient
               RecipientType => $some_value, # EMailNotificationRecipientType
               Address =>  $some_value, # string
             Grouping => $some_value, # ShippingDocumentEMailGroupingType
           PrintDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::ShippingDocumentPrintDetail
             PrinterId =>  $some_value, # string
         TopOfPageOffset =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::LinearMeasure
           Value =>  $some_value, # decimal
           Units => $some_value, # LinearUnits
         ImageType => $some_value, # ShippingDocumentImageType
         StockType => $some_value, # ShippingDocumentStockType
         ProvideInstructions =>  $some_value, # boolean
         Localization => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::Localization
       CustomerImageUsages =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::CloseTypes::CustomerImageUsage
         Type => $some_value, # CustomerImageUsageType
         Id => $some_value, # ImageId
         InternalId =>  $some_value, # string
         InternalImageType => $some_value, # InternalImageType
       SignatureName =>  $some_value, # string

=head1 AUTHOR

Generated by SOAP::WSDL

=head1 AUTHORS

=over 4

=item *

Andrew Baerg <>

=item *

Al Newkirk <>



This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Andrew Baerg.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
