Revision history for Perl extension CPAN::Testers.

0.04	2012-09-26
	- change file dates changed to meet W3CDTF standards.
        - reworked Makefile.PL for clarity.
	- reworked META.yml
	- added META.json
	- reworked and added to the test suite
	- more presentations
	- added CPAN-Testers-Eco-System.jpg example image.

0.03    2010-11-08
        - Text updated to include the Metabase and various CT2.0 changes. 
        - Diagram updated to correctly reflect the flow from test to website.
        - Extended list of websites and mailing lists. 
        - Fixed website URLs.

0.02    2007-08-12T16:00:00 EDT
        - Incorporating documentation changes per Barbie and David Golden

0.01    2007-08-12T06:00:00 EDT
        - Namespace placeholder for the CPAN Testers