Revision history for Perl distribution CPAN-Testers-Data-Release
0.05 2012-11-25
- added missing prequisite.
- fixed skip logic if Test::Database not available.
0.04 2012-11-11
- spelling fixes. (thanks to Florian Schlichting & Gregor Herrmann).
- change file dates changed to meet W3CDTF standards.
- Artistic License v2 now sole license.
- added explicit LICENSE file.
- added META.json.
- added minimum perl version (5.006).
- reworked Makefile.PL for clarity.
- more tests.
0.03 2011-02-02
- added clean functionality to help remove any decrepancies.
- initial revision of backup process.
- removed support for CSV backups.
- added ability to continue backup process from known point.
- updated examples.
0.02 2009-07-13
- Configuration fixes.
- Runtime checks added.
- Backup logic changed due to too large a resource drain on MySQL DB.
0.01 2009-06-07
- Initial release.