Revision history for CPAN-Testers-WWW-Statistics

0.99	22/04/2012
	- META tests no longer require specific versions.
	- fixed pre-requisite lists.

0.98	22/04/2012
	- SEE ALSO package name fixes.
	- reworded index and failure pages.
	- removed requirement on local SQLite database.
	- spelling fixes. (thanks to Florian Schlichting & Gregor Herrmann).
	- changes to scripts with above fixes:
	  - bin/		(v0.16)
	    bin/cpanstats-writegraphs	(v0.51)
	    bin/cpanstats-writepages	(v0.51)
	  - bin/		(v0.03)
	- removed files, as no longer required:
	  - t/data/21config08.ini
	  - t/data/21config09.ini
	- added CPAN Testers Sponsors and Perl adverts.
	- added minimum perl version (5.006).
	- fixed test pre-requisites.
	- reworked Makefile.PL for clarity.

0.97	31/01/2012
	- final leaderboard fixes (os and total).

0.96	30/01/2012
	- set_max & set_range reworked (
	- fix dates for test database creation.
	- fixed range limits.
	- remove social media bar.

0.95	26/01/2012
	- removed NNTP code from cpanmail.cgi.
	- added cpanmail.ini to cgi templates.
	- don't overwrite basic files in case they have changed.
	- added the ability to link basic files.
	- changed date names
	- leaderboard fixes.

0.94	21/08/2011
	- revised banner logo image by Jon 'JJ' Allen.
	- update to MANIFEST to include missing layout images.
	- added example shell scripts.
	- added to examples.
	- removed obsolete script.
	- redesigned _build_monthly_stats() to use JSON file storage.
	- fixed tests for Win32 (patches by Christian Walde).
	- fixed main leaderboard listings.
	- fixed first/last testers stats.

0.93	13/07/2011
	- added more filters for 'no reports' in example config.
	- update layout to include an update notification.
	- added new social media bar

0.92	09/07/2011
	- added filters for distros that should not appear in the 'no reports' 

0.91	04/07/2011
	- updated favicon links.
	- added 'no report' functionality.
	- made path to 01mailrc.txt a configurable parameter.

0.90	03/07/2011
	- fixes to prevent blank oses being displayed in leaderboards.
	- adjustments to postdates in leaderboards.

0.89	03/07/2011
	- added	matrix and stats calls,	running	sections of full stats run.
	- storage read & write now methods.
	- limit	data updates to	1000000	records, to reduce memory consumption.
	- more environment info	passed to matrix list templates.
	- changes to scripts to	use new	interface:
	    bin/cpanstats-writegraphs	(v0.50)
	    bin/cpanstats-writepages	(v0.50)
	- major	XHTML updates for WAI WCAG v2.0	compliance.
	- reorganised links and	names to be consistent across pages.
	- restructured, to allow process to be	called in stages.
	- added	terms &	conditions page.
	- changed storage method to mainstore and added	leadstore for JSON data
	  storage files.
	- updated tests.
	- added missing method for the missing-in-action file path.

0.88	31/10/2010
	- added	further	timestamp test pattern.
	- fixed	spelling mistake.
	- reorganised stats storage.
	- update {dists} from ixlatest table with each run.
	- reworked {build} refresh to remember tallies correctly.

0.87	23/10/2010
	- further domain patterns to ignore.
	  - bin/ (0.15).
	- simplification of state lookups.
	- reduced data held in memory.
	- reduced lookup time by storing data with each	run.
	- added	META.json.
	- revised META files and prerequisites.
	- revised pingtest.

0.86	26/09/2010
	- added	Metabase and Labyrinth links.
	- repositioned site boxes to avoid text	and logo clashing.
	- added to examples to	help rebuild
	- added	data/01mailrc.txt for testing purposes.
	- broken WWW::Mechanize	dropped	in favour of basic LWP.

0.85	28/05/2010
	- added	missing.html for missing in action PAUSE accounts.
	- extended the stats of	cpan to	provide	milestones.
	- bugfixes to find a tester feature.

0.84	20/04/2010
	- fixed	ranges() to return correct ranges for a	range ending on	or 
	  after	the current month, and ignore any that start on	or after the
	  current month.
	- fixed	path of	matrix output files.
	- reinstated a doctored	data/01mailrc.txt into distribution.

0.83	07/04/2010
	- upgrade to cpanmail.cgi script to perform report ID and Metabase 
	  GUID lookups by default. Still provides support for nntpid lookups if
	  called correct API.
	- updated script (0.05).
	- removed data/01mailrc.txt from distribution.

0.82	27/03/2010
	- reworked _build_failure_rates()

0.81	08/03/2010
	- added	check feature to
	- ignore BACKPAN only distributions in failure rates.
	- Win32	fixes in tests.
	- added	recent failure rate tables.

0.80	06/02/2010
	- fixes	to stats2 graph	data.

0.79	03/02/2010
	- updates from live.

0.78	03/02/2010
	- added	support	for new	guid & type fields.
	- implemented more efficient monthly stats calculations.
	- fix for runaway osnames.
	- matrix files named by	platform/os and	perl

0.77	18/01/2010
	- added	code and SQL to	ignore invalid reports.
	- added	CSS files to MANIFEST.

0.76	07/01/2010
	- added	quote.html.
	- added	Analysis to site family	lists.
	- upped	copyright date
	- updated interesting stats page, removing references to posts to the
	  cpan-testers mailing list, now listing only report counts, and hiding
	  the ID link to actual	report.

0.75	09/12/2009
	- fixed	skip test counts.
	- added	eval over get request in the event of timeout.

0.74	26/11/2009
	- merged fixes from Alex Chorny	(thanks	Alex).
	- added	new percentage graph, at the suggestion	of Slave J. Nilsen

0.73	01/11/2009
	- further reorganisation to avoid losing DB connection
	- fix to allow for counts that are set before main stats build.
	- added	header/total cells to left and bottom parts of all matrices.

0.72	26/10/2009
	- moved	DB process for submission rates	earlier	to avoid losing	DB 

0.71	26/10/2009
	- added	links for Excel	downloads.
	- added	dashboard.

0.70	21/10/2009
	- added	functionality to use the new osname table.
	- further work on matrices:
	  - added totals to X &	Y axis
	  - sorted on Y	axis values
	  - added wide format pages to each matrix
	- slight reorganisation	of failure tables.
	- changed named	anchors	as some	browsers don't rendering them 
	- added	table for monthly OS counts.

0.69	18/10/2009
	- hash passing depreciated in favour of	object variables.
	- distribution and reports matrices merged, now	split between OS name
	  and platform name, then further split	with all perls or official 
	  perls, then split again based	on last	month, or from the first to
	  the most current.
	- brought back colour variations to the	matrices.
	- added	page anchor to raw data.

0.68	15/10/2009
	- broke	out functionality of _write_stats() into more manageable chunks
	- further reduced SQL calls.
	- added	a schema file for all the tables in the	cpanstats database in 
	- added	functionality to handle	daily graphs.
	- added	performance page and graph
	- graphs and data files	now created in a dedicated stats sub-directory.
	- made raw data	files available.

0.67	13/10/2009
	- improvements to the layout of	interesting stats page.
	- moved	from Class::Accessor::Chained::Fast to Class::Accessor::Fast
	- improved processing logic for	interesting stats, with	a speed	up of
	  over 20mins.

0.66	25/07/2009
	- added	stats and graphs about CPAN, including extra menu section.

0.65	06/06/2009
	- removal of data files	into the cpanstats-data	package.

0.64	03/06/2009
	- added	attributions to	HTML templates.
	- fixed	CSS issues for IE (thanks to JJ).
	- rewrote (v0.14) to work with more recent	codebase.

0.63	19/05/2009
	- change to new	layout design.
	- new style graphs added.
	- TOCOPY and RANGES added to configuration rather than hardcoded.
	- removal of updates/blog aspect, which	is now part of cpanblog	site.

0.62	25/03/2009
	- updated pre-requisites for test files.

0.61	24/03/2009
	- template headers updated.
	- added	further	release	test file - 95changedate.t
	- added	further	version	tests to 94metatest.t
	- updated cpanmail.cgi (v0.04) to use CPAN::Testers::Common::DBUtils 
	  and a	config file contain the	database connection settings.

0.60	02/02/2009
	- added	sponsor	message	to templates/layout.html.
	- added	missing	DBD dependencies.

0.59	30/01/2009
	- updated (v0.13) to ignore further generic domains.
	- updated test to ignore minor distro version changes.
	- added	missing	Class::Accessor::Chained::Fast dependency.

0.58	26/01/2009
	- added	missing	Config::IniFiles dependency.

0.57	25/01/2009
	- reworked 56writes.t with a test version of the templates directory.

0.56	25/01/2009
	- added	new testers graph.
	- removed and replaced with	new prerequisite 
	- redesigned API so that now handles common code pieces.
	- changes to scripts to	use new	interface:
	    bin/cpanstats-writegraphs	(v0.49)
	    bin/cpanstats-writepages	(v0.49)
	- added	new test suite

0.55	20/01/2009
	- wording fix in interesting.html.
	- URL fixes in templates.

0.54	12/01/2009
	- updated (v0.12) to ignore further generic domains. Also
	  added	ability	to sort	patterns, without including reversed strings.
	- fix to previous month	calculation when it's January (D'oh!).
	- added	postings to cpan-testers to the	interesting stats page.

0.53	19/11/2008
	- fixed	template navigation links (thanks to Steffen Kaiser)
	- cpanmail.cgi (0.03) fix to stop apache error log entries.
	- added	script name reference to warnings
	- reduced length of request string to Google Graphs by only using the
	  first	letter of every	other month, and removing '000'	and replacing
	  with 'k' to represent	values of over 1000.

0.52	09/10/2008
	- added	interesting stats page (thanks to JJ for the suggestion)..

0.51	01/10/2008
	- updated index	template with correct links.

0.50	26/09/2008
	- removed dependency of	CPAN::WWW::Testers::Generator::Article from
	  cpanmail.cgi (v0.02) and used	Email::Simple directly.
	- fixed	style sheet references in some templates.
	- fixed	a number of warnings about undefined values in numeric 
	- fixed	XHTML errors in	templates.
	- fixed	cpanmail.cgi to	ignore non-numeric characters, this is
	  to ignore the	'msg' part if anyone enters that.
	- added	text to	cpanmail.html giving examples of what the NNTP ID is.

0.49	18/09/2008
	- amended bin/ (v0.11) to only check reports.
	- added	further	domains	in matching to be ignored
	- switched to Sort::Versions rather than version

0.48	03/09/2008
	- complete abstraction of scripts into modules.
	- removal of cpanstats database	scripts	and code into
	  CPAN-WWW-Testers-Generator code base.
	- added	javascript dropdown to redirect	to other sites.
	- added	script to grab 01mailrc.txt file.
	- data files removed from the distribution, as they will have their own
	  release only from the	stats site.
	- changed all domains to the	correct	domains.
	- added	RSS feed creation code.
	- added	RRS Feed and Blog links	to navigation.
	- added	Perl Community AdServer	links
	- First	release	to CPAN.
	- consistently provided	help|h and version|V options to	all scripts:
	    bin/		(v0.10)
	    bin/cpanstats-writegraphs	(v0.48)
	    bin/cpanstats-writepages	(v0.48)
	    bin/		(v0.01)

0.47	18/08/2008
	- allow	database to be a command line option ( v0.47)
	- added	use of Getopt::ArgvFile.
	- added	Getopt dependencies.
	- added	more email => name translations.
	- moved	addresses.txt to ./data	directory.
	- moved (v0.10) to	./bin directory	and updated paths.

0.46	05/08/2008
	- fixed	compressed database size display in (v0.46).
	- removed current month	stats from latest graphs (

0.45	04/08/2008
	- added	more email => name translations.
	- added	better domain detection	in	(v0.09).
	- fixed	database size display in (v0.45).

0.44	02/07/2008
	- added	more email => name translations.
	- reordered address file.
	- (v0.04) adds the facility to search for entries with
	  an empty string in the platform and perl fields by using a dash, '-'
	  as the value to the command line option.
	- added	nntpid select option to
	- added	support	for Base64 encoded articles to (v0.11).
	- updated index.html/updates.html in templates

0.43	26/06/2008
	- added	more email => name translations.
	- bug fix to include 'edu', 'mil', and 'museum'	as TLD in the address 
	  searching script, (v0.08).
	- favicon.ico added to the MANIFEST.
	- minor	syntax fix in (v0.13).

0.42	24/06/2008
	- added	more email => name translations.
	- fixed	bug in, where 'archname=' was being found in	the
	  test report and not the perl -V output.
	- fixed	bug for	printing HTML entities written in hex.
	- fixed (v0.05) logging bug.
	- date parsing now looks at the	last date contained in the received
	  headers or the date header, in case bogus date stamps	are given. (v0.10), and (0.12) updated.
	- added (v0.01) tool to retrieve	and view a complete 
	  article, for one or more articles.

0.41	10/06/2008
	- added	more email => name translations.
	- reworked due to	memory consumption issues.
	- extracted writegraphs	out of into a separate script, (v0.01), in an	attempt	to reduce memory consumption.
	- updated (v0.11) and (v0.04) to stop if no 
	  article is returned.
	- updated to	write to the log file as per
	- (v0.15) no longer stores	the whole log file!
	- changed and to use	DBI iterators.

0.40	03/06/2008
	- added	more email => name translations.
	- fixed	spelling mistakes in updates.html.
	- added	CGI as a prerequisites for dynamic tools.

0.39	27/05/2008
	- added	Find A Tester CGI lookup facility.

0.38	15/05/2008
	- added	more email => name translations.
	- fixed	readstats.log (v0.14) to remove	excessive newlines.
	- updated	to handle daily	updates.
	- added	more automated calculations to the templates.

0.37	13/04/2008
	- added	more email => name translations.
	- graphs now generated by Google Chart API.
	- due to overwelling amount of data, graphs altered slightly.
	- WWW::Mechanize replaces GD::Graph::lines as a	dependency.
	- fixed	version	sorting	as suggested by	Earle Martin.

0.36	03/03/2008
	- added	more email => name translations
	- fixed	to to correctly parse distributions	such as
	- fixed (v0.10), (v0.12) and 
	  (v0.03) to correctly handle above type distributions

0.35	05/02/2008
	- added	more email => name translations

0.34	02/01/2008
	- added	more email => name translations
	- (v0.09) now records better log information in order to 
	  ease network confirmation for
	- (v0.11) reworked	to read	cpanstats.log for as much info 
	  as possible before having to revert to an NNTP lookup.
	- now uses	Getopt::ArgvFile to avoid updating the code,
	  thus there is	a new configuration file added to	the
	- updated POD - (v0.03)
	- platform option can now be a partial match - (v0.03)
	- added (v0.02) to distribution
	- ignore empty lines from input	file - (v0.02)

0.33	02/11/2007
	- added	more email => name translations
	- Don't	re-encode an already HTML entity encoded testers name

0.32	02/10/2007
	- added	more email => name translations
	- Added	view of	the spread of TLDs from	tester addresses (
	- Added	updates	page for previous news updates
	- Added	counts for source/target tester	addresses

0.31	03/09/2007
	- Added	HTML::Entities to prerequisites	in order to fix	HTML entities 
	  in tester names.

0.30	02/09/2007
	- added	index creation commands	to	(v0.08)
	- added	more email => name translations
	- updated POD in (v0.10)
	- added	search feature to to list NNTP subjects directly
	- added	photo of Chris,	Dave and Andreas to the	index page :)

0.29	06/08/2007
	- added	more email => name translations

0.28	03/07/2007
	- added	more email => name translations
	- updated index	page to	reference CPAN Testers Wiki

0.27	09/06/2007
	- updates to and to match current server 
	- added	more email => name translations

0.26	05/06/2007
	- added to the distribution,	which helps to update any 
	  entries, which haven't been inserted correctly.

0.25	12/05/2007
	- added	Google Analytics code to layout	template

0.24	04/05/2007
	- added	more email => name translations
	- bad entries or parsing no longer recorded in the DB. This will 
	  hopefully enable me to update	some parts of the site on a more 
	  regular basis	( v0.07)
	- only print headings if we have something to report 
	  (	v0.08)
	- updates to AUTHOR & COPYRIGHT	AND LICENSE entries in POD
	- updated to supply a distname from the commandline
	- added	monthly	counts for Testers, Platforms &	Perls pages

0.23	14/04/2007
	- added	a new stats matrix for distributions
	- added	click thru lists of distributions for the new matrix
	- revamped the navigation

0.22	23/03/2007
	- added	more email => name translations
	- added	more general domains to	ignore when mapping in

0.21	12/03/2007
	- further changes to the Failure Counts	page, to allow for more	fields
	  and the ability to order by count or percentage.

0.20	10/03/2007
	- added	missing	template (wdists.html) to MANIFEST

0.19	10/03/2007
	- added	more email => name translations
	- added	the script to help get quick results back from
	  the DB
	- added	the Failure Counts feature, following a	suggestion from	Adam
	  Kennedy. Note	that it	does not ignore	duplicate reports

0.18	08/03/2007
	- added	more email => name translations

0.17	07/02/2007
	- added	more email => name translations
	- address translation script modified to list only matched addresses
	  from a specified date

0.16	02/01/2007
	- added	more email => name translations
	- increased graph sizes	to be more readable
	- changed code and templates to	produce	tabulated data output
	- modified CSS for the above

0.15	01/12/2006
	- added	more email => name translations
	- address translation script modified to include a (commented out)
	  line to show how to only search for recent postings

0.14	01/11/2006
	- added	more email => name translations
	- fixed	bug in address translation script
	- added	address	translation script to distribution

0.13	09/10/2006
	- added	100+ email => name translations
	- changed way unmatched	addresses are displayed	on the website (to 
	  help reduce any spam harvesting)

0.12	05/09/2006
	- added	more email => name translations

0.11	03/06/2006
	- added	more email => name translations

0.10	03/04/2006
	- added	more email => name translations
	- extra	graph -	UPLOADS/FAIL/UNKNOWN

0.09	02/03/2006
	- two bugs fixed in,	firstly	only decode Quoted Printable,
	  if it	is, and	secondly the platform in the subject was being parsed
	- added	more email => name translations
	- addresses now	in separate data file

0.08	19/02/2006
	- added	more email => name translations
	- spelling & grammar fixes

0.07	18/02/2006
	- added	matrix page to statistics website

0.06	02/02/2006
	- First	public release
	- more address to testers listed
	- fixed	HTML parsing for address strings with '<' in them

	Prior versions were not	recorded.