    title = 'Performance' ;
    box_sites = 1

    crumb1_name = 'Performance' ;

<ul class="contents">
<li><a href="#build1" title="CPAN Testers Reports Website Performance">CPAN Testers Reports Website Performance</a></li>
<li><a href="#raw"    title="Raw Data">Raw Data</a></li>

<p>The graph below highlights the rate at which testers are producing reports and the number of requests that the CPAN 
Testers Reports Website Builder can process in a day. Slow periods for the Builder are when the server has experienced
high load, typically when website crawler bots fail to honour our robots.txt file.</p>
<p><img id="build1" src="/stats/build1.png" alt="CPAN Testers Reports Website Performance" /></p>
<p>The REQUESTS measure the total number of requests processed by the system, while PAGES is the number of unique 
requests processed. A request is created when a report is submitted, a new distribution is uploaded or a website user 
requests a page on the dynamic Reports website, where a previous request exists. A page can either be a distribution 
page or an author page. Also note that for every unique page requested, 6 files are generated across 3 websites by the 
CPAN Testers Reports Website Builder.</p>

<h2 id="raw">Raw Data</h2>
<p>The raw data file is available here:</p>
<li><a href="/stats/build1.txt" title="raw data for CPAN Testers Reports Website Performance">CPAN Testers Reports Website Performance</a></li>
<p>Graphs generated using the <a href="http://code.google.com/apis/chart/" title="Google Chart API">Google Chart API</a>.</p>