    title = 'Recent Failure Percentage' ;
    box_sites = 1

    crumb1_name = 'Recent Failure Percentage' ;

<h2>HIGHEST RECENT FAILURE COUNTS (as of <span class="timestamp1">[% RUNDATE2 %]</span>)</h2>
<p>Order by Failure Count or Failure Percentage by clicking the appropriate column headings.</p>

<tr><th class="top">#</th><th class="top">DISTRIBUTION</th><th class="top">UPLOAD</th><th class="top"><a href="wdists-recent.html" title="HIGHEST RECENT FAILURE COUNTS">FAILS</a></th><th class="top">PASSES</th><th class="top">TOTAL</th><th class="top">PERCENTAGE</th></tr>
[% FOREACH row = WORST %]
<tr><td align="right">[% row.0 %]</td>
    <td><a href="http://www.cpantesters.org/distro/[% row.7.substr(0,1) %]/[% row.7 %].html" title="reports for [% row.7 %]">[% row.2 %]</a></td>
    <td>[% row.3 %]</td>
    <td align="right">[% row.1 %]</td>
    <td align="right">[% row.4 %]</td>
    <td align="right">[% row.5 %]</td>
    <td align="right">[% row.6 %]</td></tr>
[% END %]

<p>Failure rates are based on the last submitted version of a distribution only.
Failures are counted as reports posted as FAIL or UNKNOWN. Currently all reports are counted
individually, so any duplicate reports that are for the same version of Perl on the same platform
for the same distribution are NOT ignored. This may change in the future.</p>
<p>All counts are recorded up until <span class="timestamp1">[% RUNDATE3 %]</span>.</p>