Revision history for Perl extension CPAN::YACSmoke::Plugin::NNTPWeb.

0.07	17/08/2009
	- restructured retrieving download list.
	- added protection against non-existent network connections
	- updated tests.

0.06	12/03/2007
	- Forgot to remove all references to Template::Extract now that we
	  use a simple regex to find the pattern.
	- Added a warning to Makefile.PL, as testing can take a long time -
	  blame the new format of the web interface :(

0.05	12/03/2007
	- Attempts to create the directory where Storable file should reside,
	  if it doesn't exist.
	- The CPAN Testers NNTP website has changed, such that you can no
	  longer get a web page listing all the submissions to a group starting
	  with a specific id. We now do it long hand :(
	- Handwritten META.yml to conform to current specs.
	- Changed all instances of LICENCE to LICENSE.
	- Added META.yml test script.
	- Added LICENSE file.
	- Renamed the contrib directory to examples.
	- POD/README updates.
	- Devel::Cover = 93.5%

0.04    27/03/2005
        - Added DSLIP information
        - Added POD coverage test script
        - Updated POD

0.03    03/03/2005
        - Updated POD

0.02    19/02/2005
        - Taken out of CPAN-YACSmoke distribution and made into a standalone

0.01    31/01/2005
        - Original Version. A plugin extension to CPAN::YACSmoke.