# Changes log for Data::Phrasebook::Loader::YAML

0.12    2012-10-07
        - fixed prerequisites in META files (thanks to D Thomas RT#79204).
        - change file dates changed to meet W3CDTF standards.

0.11    2012-07-29
        - added Carp as a prerequisite.
        - added Test::Distribution as a optional test prerequisite.
        - implemented Perl::Critic suggestions.

0.10    2012-07-29
        - spelling fix. (thanks to Nicholas Bamber, Florian Schlichting & 
          Gregor Herrmann).
        - removed License files from distro.
        - Artistic License v2 now sole license.
        - removed DSLIP info.
        - added minimum perl version (5.006).
        - reworked Makefile.PL for clarity.

0.09    2007-03-01
        - Fixed META.yml typos.
        - Added META.yml test script.

0.08    2007-02-22
        - Fixed a mistake in the META.yml.

0.07    2007-02-22
        - Handwritten META.yml to conform to current specs.
        - Changed all instances of LICENCE to LICENSE as *apparently*, to all
          non-British users of this module, this a bug! I beg to differ -
        - Added an examples directory. Nothing in it yet, except a request
          for interesting scripts.

0.06    2006-09-27
        - Added support for dictionaries. This was a major patch submitted
          by Oliver Gorwits. Thanks Oliver :)
        - more tests
        - Devel::Cover - 99.2%

0.05    2005-03-25
        - Added DSLIP information
        - Rewrote test scripts
        - Devel::Cover - 97.6%

0.04    2005-03-03
        - POD updates.

0.03    2005-03-02
        - Removed Test::MockObject from tests. No longer needed.

0.02    2005-02-24
        - revamped and renamed as part of the Data::Phrasebook framework

0.01    2004-01-31
        - New maintainer - Barbie.
        - Extracted from main Phrasebook distribution