Revision history for Perl extension Finance::Currency::Convert::XE.

0.17    14/03/2011
        - updated documentation.
        - added META.json and supporting tests.
        - removed conversion value tests - too much fluctuation.
        - added ping check in case the network or site might be down

0.16    17/08/2009
        - removed 5.006 dependency.
        - chomp doesn't seem to work anymore!
        - given up on figuring out the offset in tests.

0.15    17/03/2008
        - added approximately 90 new currencies
        - added an add_currency method to allow the user to dynamically 
          extend the currency list if required. (Brian Mills)
        - switched to Test-CPAN-Meta for testing
        - added AUTOMATED_TESTING checks to packaging tests.

0.14    29/10/2007
        - fixed tests to allow for more fluctuation in current exchange rates
          compared to future exchange rates. 

0.13    07/03/2007
        - Added support for more currencies.
        - reverted back to original form, as the quick version doesn't support 
          many currencies. (
        - added error checking to tests

0.12    02/03/2007
        - Form name has changed in the few days to 'quick'
        - Updated POD to emphasise the need to obtain a valid license from 
 before you are allowed to use their service for all commercial
        - Handwritten META.yml to conform to current specs.
        - Changed all instances of LICENCE to LICENSE.
        - Added META.yml test script.
        - Added LICENSE and Artistic files.
        - Added an examples directory. Nothing in it yet, except a request
          for interesting scripts.
        - POD/README updates

0.11    11/10/2006
        - fixed bug #20646, spotted by Dan Brook (BROQ).
        - simplified some areas of code.
        - new() can now be passed defaults.
        - convert() can now be passed a single value.
        - updated the conversion rate in 10object.t
        - removed warn() calls as the error() should be used.
        - more tests
        - Devel::Cover = 92.5%

0.10    27/04/2005
        - link fix (website changed) as spotted by Menno Blom

0.09    04/03/2005
        - POD updates.

0.08    01/03/2005
        - multiple invocations don't work as expected, spotted by 
          Marcus Thiesen (via rt).

0.07    07/01/2005
        - Removed unnecessary Exporter code.
        - adjusted the Pound to Euro exchange rate in tests
        - upgraded POD Coverage testing

0.06    19/04/2004
        - Test::More added as a prerequisites for PPMs
        - Fixed Abstract in Makefile.PL

0.05    04/03/2004
        - More formatting options available
        - Removed all non-Euro currencies for Euro adopted countries.
        - Currency test bounds increased to +/- 2%
        - Currency symbols use HTML entities where known.

0.04    Fri Feb 13 11:28:31 2004
        - Large number format bug, spotted by Alex Pavlovic.
        - changed tests to use bigger numbers
        - updated tests to use like and cmp_ok
        - added pod tests

0.03    Thu Nov  6 09:55:10 2003
        - name change from WWW::UCC to Finance::Currency::Convert::XE upon 
          discovering the distribution Finance::Currency::Convert::Yahoo 
          on CPAN.
        - Fixed the README text

0.02    Wed Oct  8 13:04:18 2003
        - complete overhaul of POD and code (now with WWW::Mechanize).
        - POD updates
        - more tests

0.01    Wed Nov 20 10:08:47 2002
        - original version