Revision history for Games::Trackword
1.06 02/06/2008
- updated Meta.yml and 94metatest.t to reference Test-CPAN-Meta.
1.05 02/03/2007
- Handwritten META.yml to conform to current specs.
- Changed all instances of LICENCE to LICENSE.
- Added META.yml test script.
- Added LICENSE and Artistic files.
- Added an examples directory. Nothing in it yet, except a request
for interesting scripts.
- POD/README updates
- Devel::Cover - 100%
1.04 21/03/2005
- More tests thanks to Devel::Cover
- Added DSLIP information
1.03 19/03/2005
- Reworked test scripts
- Added pod test scripts
1.02 19/04/2004
- ABSTRACT fixed. Line endings fixed.
1.01 08/10/2003
- META.yml added to distribution
- POD updates
1.00 02/09/2003
- Original version