Changes for the Labyrinth Core Plugins

5.16    2014-07-13
        - reinstate name field for each menu.
        - Exporter tag ':default' in Labyrinth::Globals no longer used.
        - now require Labyrinth-5.22.
        - added support for embedded video links (YouTube & Vimeo).
        - added support for basic permission checks.

5.15    2014-04-27
        - fixed distribution name in META.
        - added LICENSE file.
        - fixed loading of user info config (Users/Info).
        - implemented ACL profiles (Users).
        - introduced the concept of disabled accounts, to differentiate from 
          banned users, where accounts cannot be reinstated or deleted (Users).

5.14    2014-02-02
        - added paging to search and meta search (Articles).
        - added core realm change methods (Content).
        - revised Folders and Access permissions (Folders, Users).

5.13    2013-10-29
        - reinstated store of 'latest' field.
        - reworked AddArticle field order to compliment SaveArticle (not
          backwards compatible).
        - added Page method to page articles (Article).

5.12    2013-10-13
        - prevent HTML tags being added to image text tags.
        - use ResizeDimensions where appropriate. (requires Labyrinth 5.18)

5.11	2013-03-30
        - change file dates changed to meet W3CDTF standards.
        - upgraded to Test::CPAN::Meta::JSON for tests.
        - reworked Makefile.PL for clarity.
        - updated test suite.
        - updated META files.
        - fixed using images in menus.
        - revised access to admin functions.

5.10	2012-01-24
        - config settings maximagewidth & maximageheight used to set default 
          size (Articles).
        - Alignment changes as per fixes in Labyrinth-5.12.
        - base access reset to EDITOR (Articles/Site).

5.09	2011-12-31
        - added link titles
        - fixed image href saving.

5.08	2011-06-19
        - GetImageSize now used for articles.
        - GetImageSize now used in Users::Item.

5.07	2011-06-19
        - more documentation updates.
        - expanded Sections functionality.
        - update to Users to correctly reference image sizes.
        - include gravatar references with user profiles.

5.06	2011-03-13
        - updated documentation.

5.05	2011-02-24
        - update Articles to better support limit, stop and order from plugins.

5.04	2011-01-04
        - added Articles::Site from Labyrinth-Demo.

5.03	2011-01-03
        - query added list of fields to be cleaned before displaying.
        - update from live for saving menu options.
        - update from live for saving user details.

5.02	2011-01-01
        - fix to check MASTER access.

5.01	2011-01-01
        - moved MasterCheck from plugins to core

5.00	2011-01-01
        - official release alongside Labyrinth Core.

4.17	2010-03-11
        - split from Labyrinth Core.