Revision history for Perl extension Regexp::Log::Common
0.06 15/07/2012
- added examples/
- fixed documentation (Andrew Ford)
- amended additional tests to check $ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING}
- spelling fix. (thanks to Florian Schlichting & Gregor Herrmann).
- added minimum perl version (5.006).
- META tests no longer require specific versions.
- License updated to Artistic License v2.0.
- removed Artistic file.
- added META.json and test script.
- added missing IO::File pre-requisite.
- remove DSLIP info, as its no longer used.
- reworked Makefile.PL for clarity.
0.05 02/03/2007
- Handwritten META.yml to conform to current specs.
- Changed all instances of LICENCE to LICENSE.
- Added META.yml test script.
- Added LICENSE and Artistic files.
- Added an examples directory. Nothing in it yet, except a request
for interesting scripts.
- POD/README updates
- Devel::Cover - 100%
0.04 28/04/2005
- bytes can also be '-' instead of 0 (Salvador Fandiño García)
0.03 21/03/2005
- added POD coverage test script
- updated POD
- added DSLIP information
0.02 01/03/2005
- fix for numeric or named remote host (Duane Wessels)
- fix for bytes (304 responses) (Duane Wessels)
0.01 21/01/2005
- original version
- this module uses the base class of Regexp::Log