Revision history for Template-Plugin-WikiFormat

0.07    2015-01-06
        - fixed license fields in META.json to be lists.
        - extended META test suite.

0.06    2014-06-30
        - fixed distribution name in META.
        - added git repository links to metadata.

0.05    2013-01-20
        - change file dates changed to meet W3CDTF standards.
        - License updated to Artistic License v2.0.
	    - added minimum perl version (5.006).
        - reworked Makefile.PL for clarity.
        - added META.json.
        - updated test suite.
        - updated LICENSE and README files.

0.04    2009-08-17
        - new maintainer, Barbie, due to the untimely death of Ivor Williams.
        - updated documentation
        - added more tests

0.03    2008-06-25T15:57:23
        - Add global_replace option.

0.02    2008-05-18T21:47:27
        - Sort out Makefile.PL, dependencies etc.

0.01    2008-05-18T11:02:37
        - original version; created by ExtUtils::ModuleMaker 0.51
          Pass params to Text::Wikiformat as tags or options.
          Basic tests using Template::Test