# Changes log for Test-JSON-Meta
0.08 14/07/2010
- added missing tests and samples.
- Test::More version downgraded to 0.62.
- JSON version upgraded to 2.15.
0.07 20/04/2010
- added spec definition validation.
- updated distribution META.json to version 2.
0.06 20/04/2010
- upgraded code to CPAN-Meta-Spec version 2.
- default version (if not specified) to check is now version 2.
- split spec version testing into individual test files.
- added tests and samples for version 2 testing.
0.05 12/04/2010
- fixed qr// delimiters due to issues with the NOT SIGN symbol
(suggested by Ricardo Signes & David Golden).
0.04 18/12/2009
- renamed word() to keyword().
- added identifier() validation.
- changed optional_features key from a keyword to an identifier type,
thus further clarifying RT#52685 (thanks Kevin).
0.03 12/12/2009
- clarified spec defined and user defined keys, as promoted by Kevin
Ryde in RT#52685 (thanks Kevin).
0.02 07/12/2009
- RT#46473: license url with fragment part (Kevin Ryde)
- RT#47393: "optional_features" as map rather than list (Kevin Ryde)
- above applied to 1.4, 1.3 and 1.2 version of the meta-spec.
0.01 15/07/2009
- Initial release.