Revision history for WWW-Scraper-ISBN-BarnesNoble_Driver
0.17 2013-11-17
- added git repository links to metadata.
0.16 2013-05-19
- updated binding pattern matching due to page layout changes.
0.15 2013-03-17
- Data::Dumper used in tests.
0.14 2013-03-10
- exposed depth values.
- added to examples.
- License updated consistently to Artistic License v2.0.
- META updates.
- more error reporting in tests.
0.13 2012-12-31
- fixed regex for author.
- fixed string match for when book not found.
- fixed tests for new image paths.
0.12 2012-12-16
- fixed images tests, due to path changes.
- change file dates changed to meet W3CDTF standards.
- updated test suite.
0.11 2012-05-20
- updated pattern matching due to page layout changes.
- spelling fixes. (thanks to Florian Schlichting & Gregor Herrmann).
- META tests no longer require specific versions.
- added minimum perl version (5.006).
- reworked Makefile.PL for clarity.
0.10 2011-06-28
- updated due to page reformatting.
0.09 2011-05-23
- updated link test again.
0.08 2011-05-06
- updated test link due to variations in the link format reported.
0.07 2011-05-04
- updated link test due to site changes.
0.06 2011-03-01
- updated tests due to changed content, including mispellings on Barnes
& Noble site!
- fixed test count for skip.
0.05 2011-02-16
- upgraded to Test::CPAN::Meta::JSON for tests.
- added test file for convert subs.
- updated regex for author & title extraction.
0.04 2011-02-14
- removed invalid ISBN test, due to missing Business::ISBN object
within WWW::Scraper::ISBN ... though works for my other ISBN
0.03 2010-12-01
- improved validation for ISBN/EAN13.
0.02 2010-11-29
- fix to field cleanup code for non-existent field values.
- slight alteration to regex for description.
0.01 2010-11-02
- initial release