Revision history for Perl extension WWW-Scraper-ISBN-Booktopia_Driver.

0.15    2012-12-16
        - change file dates changed to meet W3CDTF standards.
        - updated test suite.

0.14    2012-06-17
        - updated pattern matching due to page layout changes.
        - updated tests due to data changes.

0.13    2012-05-22
        - updated pattern matching due to page layout changes.
        - spelling fixes. (thanks to Florian Schlichting & Gregor Herrmann).
        - META tests no longer require specific versions.
        - added minimum perl version (5.006).
        - reworked Makefile.PL for clarity.

0.12    2011-03-16
        - updated test with more generic test results.

0.11    2011-03-14
        - updated tests due to data change.

0.10    2011-02-16
        - upgraded to Test::CPAN::Meta::JSON for tests.
        - updated tests due to data change.

0.09    2011-02-14
        - updated tests due to data change.

0.08    2010-11-03
        - added further skip test if test books are withdrawn from the site.

0.07    2010-10-29
        - update to author pattern
        - test data update

0.06    2010-10-07
        - further fixes due to changes in page layout.
        - adapted code to cope with weird weights.
        - amended pingtest() in network tests.

0.05    2010-10-06
        - fixed skip count.
        - provided alternate ping test methods.
        - fixes due to changes in page layout.

0.04    2010-09-15
        - reworked test structure, so easier to add sample sets.

0.03    2010-09-14
        - protect against amending undefined strings.

0.02    2010-09-08
        - weight is actually given in grammes not kilogrammes as stated.
        - all matches are now case insensitive.
        - fixed support for ISBN10 searches.

0.01    2010-07-30
        - initial release