Revision history for Perl extension WWW::Scraper::ISBN::Yahoo_Driver.

0.08	17/11/2008
	- updated pattern recognition due to page layout changing

0.07	27/06/2008
	- added checks to only run extra tests under AUTOMATED_TESTING
	- switched metatest to use Test-CPAN-Meta
	- upped META.ym spec version and link
	- added isbn10 key into book data
	- fixed missing isbn13 from tests
	- amended tests to search for ISBN10 and ISBN13 values

0.06    26/07/2007
	- Updated README.
	- Corrected Copyright dates in LICENSE file.
	- Updated POD.
	- Added better error reporting.
	- added isbn13 support
	- updated pattern recognition due to page layout changing

0.05    01/03/2007
	- Handwritten META.yml to conform to current specs.
	- Changed all instances of LICENCE to LICENSE.
	- Added META.yml test script.
	- Added LICENSE and Artistic files.
	- Added an examples directory. Nothing in it yet, except a request
	  for interesting scripts.
	- POD updates
	- Updated the pattern matching code now that Yahoo have changed their 
	  page layouts
	- Devel::Cover = 91.9%

0.04	07/01/2001  
	- handler() moved to WWW::Scraper::ISBN::Driver
	- test suite updated to peform skips if can't access web pages

0.03	31/08/2004
	- Simplified error handling

0.02	19/04/2004
	- Test::More added as a prerequisites for PPMs

0.01	10/04/2004
	- original version