Revision history for Perl extension WWW:UsePerl::Journal.

0.25	2012-08-31
	- created connected() method.
	- removed test library.
	- removed Carp as a prerequisite.

0.24	2012-08-26
	- is now read only. 
	- removed features & tests
	- rewritten to work with current URLs
        - removed License files from distro.
        - Artistic License v2 now sole license.
        - spelling fixes. (thanks to Nicholas Bamber, Florian Schlichting & 
          Gregor Herrmann).
        - added minimum perl version (5.006).
        - reworked Makefile.PL for clarity.
	- implemented Perl::Critic suggestions.
	- added META.json
	- change file dates changed to meet W3CDTF standards.

0.23	2009-11-06
	- added PingTest to test suite in order to check whether a network 
	  connection is available.

0.22	2008-09-29
	- patch by Dave Rolsky to fix the login code, to match recent updates 
	  to (RT#38998 - thanks Dave).
	- updated optional tests.
	- closed security risk in entrytitled (RT#37177 - thanks Yanick)

0.21	2007-11-07
	- updated date testing to try and capture problems CPAN testers are
	- updated an entry test in the event no content is returned.

0.20	2007-11-07
	- username or userid MUST be provided to new().
	- added debug() method to turn internal debugging on or off.
	- internal function _journalsearch_content renamed to _recent_content().
	- added debug testing script.

0.19	2007-11-05
	- fixed user names with other characters in aside from \w.
	- rewrote the the recent list testing, as posts can appear between
	- missing entries can have to 2 different error messages, depending
	  upon context.
	- added futher diagnostics in the event of errors.
	- reversed login checks, now assumes failure unless validated.

0.18	2007-11-04
	- changed constants to variable due to suprious errors from 
	- added raw() functions for debugging purposes.
	- changed date processing slightly, hopefully this finally fixes those
	  errors. (thanks to Andreas and Slaven for the feedback)

0.17	2007-10-31
	- Still getting CPAN Tester failures :( It looks like use.perl is
	  timing out, as it's unable to reference the test users (russell and 
	  147 (koschei)). The tests now skip, reporting the error, so I can
	  keep an eye on it.
	- More error reporting in tests if results not as expected, so that
	  CPAN Testers reports can hopefully identify specific problems.

0.16	2007-03-14
	- relaxed date testing, as timezones can affect the date/time value

0.15	2007-03-05
	- fixed several test bugs, including the date parsing issues.
	- WUJ::Post->new() now takes a hash as it states in the docs.
	- Rewrote some of the internals so they correctly cache results. 
	- Bit of an overhaul of the code so that underlying Entry objects are 
	  returned more appropriate, with the caller able to access the Entry
	  methods more directly. 
	- Error handling rewritten so the modules don't fail under pressure,
	  just return undef and set an $j->error().
	- has had a fresh look and form completion has been updated.
	- Lots more testing, including developer only tests (not included).
	- Handwritten META.yml to conform to current specs.
	- Changed all instances of LICENCE to LICENSE.
	- Added META.yml test script.
	- Added LICENSE file.
	- Renamed the contrib directory to examples.
	- POD/README updates.
	- Devel::Cover - 93.3% (including developer only tests)

0.14	2005-09-22
	- updated journal post code (RT #4718)
	- added refresh() method to clear the cache
	- removed 22post.t so use.perl isn't bombarded with testing :)

0.13	2005-07-22
	- use.perl layout changes (inc Simon Wilcox - RT #13748)
	- refactored test scripts
	- refactored journal post code
	- Added more test scripts

0.12	2005-04-05
	- New maintainer - Barbie
	- Added sort patch from many eons ago
	- Updated tests to reflect changes to use.perl
	- Added more test scripts

0.11	2003-01-24T15:11:53+00:00
	- Fix for change in the title HTML
	- Date code is still broken - it is out by the timezone of the user
	  who wrote the entry, this may not be fixable if we cannot
	  determine that user's timezone.

0.10	2002-10-14T10:51:25+01:00
	- Patch from Kate L Pugh fixes noon - 1pm bug and newline title bug

0.09	2002-10-09T15:11:57+01:00
	- Patch from Kate L Pugh fixes recentarray regex bug
	- Patch from Richard Clamp to fix his surname and strptime on Mac OS X
	- Contributed scripts for various statistics by 'jdavidb'

0.08	2002-10-04T15:19:30+01:00
	- Change in u.p.o broke recentarray - fixed

0.07	2002-09-27T17:42:51+01:00
	- Patch from Spoon
	- Gets date information from posts
	- "It produces potentially weird results due to time zones. But I believe
	  they are consistently weird. Will probably break if the user logs in."
	  -- the patch author

0.06	2002-09-26T10:46:16+01:00
	- Internal change to broke things
	- Thanks to Simon Wilcox and Simon Wistow for both reporting it on
	  the same day (which confused me ...).

0.05	2002-03-03T20:14:29+00:00
	- Fixes
	- Interface had changed due to the introduction of the Entry class
	- stringification added to it to make it work as it did before
	- date added to Entry class
	- added Test::Simple dependency to makefile.
	- Many thanks to Richard!

0.04	2002-03-03T18:01:36+00:00
	- Changes from koschei
	- WWW::UsePerl::Journal::Entry class
	- recentarray, recent journal entries.

0.03	2002-02-13T12:46:37+00:00
	- Installed Richard Clamp's patches (finally!)
	- Journal list changed on use.perl
	- user id may be supplied instead of username
	- Added LWP dependency to makefile.
	- Thanks Richard!

0.02	2002-01-28T02:16:46+00:00
	- changed some things and everything broke, now fixed.
	- Interface changed, more OO now...
	- Posting possible via postEntry (thanks to Iain Truskett!)
	- Test suite corrected (thanks to Tony Bowden)

0.01	2002-01-23T18:56:32+00:00
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.19