Revision history for Perl module Data::Random
0.12 2015-05-25T10:44:00-0700
- convert from Date::Calc to Time::Piece
- require Time::Piece 1.16 because it has add_year()
- fixed rand_datetime on MSWin32 after Time::Piece
- fixed tests to work for local timezone
- convert to File::Temp
- lots of cleanup
Thanks to mbeijen (Michiel Beijen) for these improvements!
- colors can only go up to 255 (RT/100995)
Thanks to jrosenboom
0.11 2014-01-01T15:09:57-0800
- remove MYMETA.* from dist and add them to MANIFEST.SKIP (RT/89174)
0.10 2013-10-30T20:37:08-0700
- rand_chars() will now return a string when called in scalar context
- tidied up this file according to CPAN::Changes::Spec
0.09 2013-09-14 00:06:55 PDT
- getting new Module::Install::GithubMeta (RT/88089)
- remove some spurious files from MANIFEST
0.08 2012-09-17 22:57:33 PDT
- fixing even more random tests that fail on midnight and zero seconds
0.07 2012-06-02 16:44:53 PDT
- fixed distro bugs (RT/73551, RT/75507, RT/77290)
0.06 2011-11-14 20:23:22 PST
- fixed bug where .. was added to @INC (RT/71346)
- tweaked POD
- improved tests/fixed many CPAN Testers failures
0.05 2003-02-20
- added default wordlist (copy of linux.words)
- fixed tests again so they don't fail if Date::Calc or
GD are not installed
0.04 2002-02-26
- removed false dependency on Perl 5.005_62
- only load Data::Random::WordList when needed
(Thanks to Mark Stosberg)
- fixed tests so they skip appropriate tests if Date::Calc or
GD are not installed
0.03 2001-08-20
- added rand_image()
- used Carp::cluck() and returned undef on errors instead of
calling die, thus making it a little more friendly
0.02 2001-05-30
- correctly made "shuffle" flag default to 1 for rand_words(),
rand_chars() and rand_set() (Thanks to David Sarno)
- fixed bug where rand_words() would sometimes return less words
than what's specified in "min" (Thanks to David Sarno)
- allowed results of rand_set() to be unshuffled
- added a plethora of tests (how's one supposed to
accurately the test validity of random data anyway?)
0.01 2000-10-31
- original version