Revision history for Perl module Debuggit
2.03_03 Jan 31, 2013
- DUMP function (with Data::Dumper) now sorts hash keys
- added the POD for DataPrinter option
- fixed a bug with Data::Printer's prototypes
- fixed a bug where Data::Dumper could come back and clobber Data::Printer
- fixed testing bug where using perl -e on Windows *still* didn't work
- fixed testing bug due to not sorting hash keys with Data::Dumper
- more minor doco tweaks
2.03_02 Jan 11, 2013
- revamped default_funcs.t to work on Windows
2.03_01 Jan 1, 2013
- added support for Data::Printer via a new config option
- more doco tweaks
- added configure_requires for YAML::Tiny
- should fix UNKNOWN reports on CPAN Testers
2.03 Dec 30, 2012
- very slight doco tweaks
- fixed Module::Install version as per Miyagawa
2.02 Feb 19, 2012
- fixed annoying "redefined" warnings
- fixed annoying "naked subroutines" test failures for callers of Debuggit
- proper handling of Pod::Coverage's absence in t/pod_coverage.t
- can now override the system wide DEBUG for a specific module
- adding another test to insure no additional memory is used
- refactored t/nomem1.t to match t/nomem2.t
- more cautious handling of Memory::Usage to avoid non-Linux problems
- updated / extended all POD
- now have main POD, manual, and cookbook
- fixed the problem with Moose classes autocleaning DEBUG
2.01 Jul 29, 2011
- initial CPAN release
- updates to POD
- fixed Changes file (now in reverse chronological order)
2.00 Mar 29, 2011
- initial version as
- rebuilt from the ground up (again)
- still using TDD; now using TAP
- all previous features retained except:
- messing about with VC working dirs removed
- that probably should have always been separate, really
- designed to be released onto CPAN
- distro built up (using ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP)
- added POD
- tests fully TAP compliant
- added lots of comparisons with other CPAN modules
- now verifying claims of 0 memory and 0 code via tests
- added some new features:
- removed dependence on Exporter (wasn't really using it for anything anyway)
- DEBUG moved to package Debuggit:: (of course)
- DEBUG already defined in caller not an exception (similar to VCtools::Base)
- can't remember why I thought it should be an error in the first place
- min debugging level (first arg to debuggit) is now optional (default: 1)
- separated out formatter so you can change how the debugging output looks
- separated out output method so you can change where the debugging output goes
- exposed default_formatter as part of the public interface
- formalized the debugging functions
- added $self arg
- added add_func
- added remove_func
- added POLICY arg to import for exporting up a level
- tested all this in production code for roughly two years before deemed ready for CPAN
- as noted below, original dates from Aug 7, 2008
[END OF LIFE (such as it was) for Company::Debug]
1.99 Summer, 2008
- initial version as Company::Debug
- first idea for debugging functions
- default function DUMP for runtime require'ing of Data::Dumper
- flexible multi-arg functions for handling repititious debugging like in the POOF code
- so, thanks to BMILLARES for giving me the brainstorm! (albeit inadvertently)
- the OBJDATA example in is almost verbatim what Benny was doing
- eventually abandoned this idea in favor getting ready for CPAN
[creation of Company::Debug]
[this idea was never completed, and consequently never checked in]
1.13 Jul 11, 2009
- cleaned up super-obscure bug caused by trying to call debuggit() from inside _set_debuggit_func()
- not only avoids spurious warning, but should provide better performance as well
1.12 Jul 11, 2009
- fixed bug where testing modules redirect didn't work when Debuggit was loaded
- trying new, simpler method of redirecting to testing modules
- not sure why I was doing it so complicated-ly anyway ...
- fixed some debugging statements and added a few more
1.11 Jul 9, 2009
- think I managed to fix the Debuggit/Barefoot conflicts, finally
1.10 Jun 24, 2009
- now allows to override DEBUG and debuggit(), as long as it's loaded first
- any DEBUG parameter to Barefoot is ignored
- Barefoot modules are still redirected to test areas
- fixed bug where call to croak() bombs because Carp wasn't loaded
(this bug was hardly ever hit in actual code)
[work on 2.x branch (actual started here: Aug 7, 2008]
1.04 Jun 23, 2008
- updated debuggit() to surround strings with leading or trailing spaces with << >>
- updated doco and tests to match
- checking eval for errors
1.03 Jul 14, 2007
- updated some comments
1.02 Jan 22, 2007
- updated copyright
1.01 Jan 19, 2007
- debuggit() now catches undef values and displays them as <<undef>>
- avoids "uninitialized" warnings
- distinguishes between undef vs empty string
- no longer relying on $"; using join(' ') instead
1.00 Sep 13, 2006
- initial version as
- rebuilt from the ground up
- now using TDD (but still not TAP)
- a new module designed to replace both Barefoot::base and Barefoot::debug
- consolidation into a single module (incorporated from Geek::Dev::Debug)
- first version with debuggit()
- very simple implementation
- min debugging level (first arg) is required
- supplies spaces between args (via $") and newline
- printing to STDERR (always)
- function is eval'ed to guarantee no memory usage when not in debugging mode
- uses more sophisticated @INC hook (incorporated from VCtools::Base) for finding local copy of
library modules when in debugging mode
[END OF LIFE for Barefoot::debug / Barefoot::base ]
[VCtools::Base receives no new development after this point]
[(simply gets features backported from 1.x line)]
0.64 May 23, 2004
- provided explicit path for calling vctools-config (should better pass taint checks,
and fix some testing glitches as well)
0.63 May 1, 2004
- added a few stray debugging statements
- fixed a potential buglet (chomping in the wrong order)
0.62 Apr 14, 2004
- updated comments in header
0.61 Apr 11, 2004
- corrected leftover testing bug
- fixed bug where it was pulling up test modules even if DEBUG off
0.60 Apr 9, 2004
- initial version as VCtools::Base
- created new module for handling VCtools' debugging (breaks dependency on Geek::Dev::Debug)
- DEBUG already defined in caller no longer an exception
- much more sophisticated handling of VCtools working dir (natch)
[END OF LIFE for Geek::Dev::Debug]
0.57 Apr 26, 2004
- removed all directory fiddling, as it's not necessary w/ the new all-1-one website-in-the-proj dir scheme
- took out prohibition against multiple DEBUG setting: this is a temporary fix only!
0.56 Apr 23, 2004
- changed project name to reflect repository changes
- changed BASE_DIR to reflect proposed new production location
0.55 Apr 4, 2004
- now sets BASE_DIR for use when debugging is turned off
- now only uses VCtools working dir stuff if debugging is non 0
- also adds protection against adding dirs into @INC multiple times
- rearranged untainting stuff now that we're using an external program as opposed to an env var
(for VCtools working dir)
0.54 Apr 3, 2004
- now allowed to use Debug twice in a row, as long as (at least) second one has no args
0.52 Mar 29, 2004
- tweaked comments a hair
0.51 Jan 22, 2004
- updated to work with ThinkGeek environment
- now using VCtools instead of CVS (for future upgrade to Subversion while maintaining backward
- changed fallthrough around a bit:
- no longer requires two modules
- using Geek:: instead of Barefoot::
- added ability to turn off debugging via a string arg to Debug (one of: qw< OFF FALSE NOT! >)
- this feature didn't survive the death of Geek::Dev::Debug
- updated all tests and comments
0.50 Jan 21, 2004
- initial version as Geek::Dev::Debug
- formalized test scripts (although still not using standard TAP)
0.22 Nov 17, 2003
- now includes instead of to avoid chicken-and-egg problem ( includes
- added debug statement for master debug var
0.21 Dec 22, 2002
- initial attempt at DEBUG macro (using source filter) unsuccessful (commented out)
- now stores DEBUG value in Barefoot:: for easier retrieval (for instance, if running under mod_perl)
- now understands to draw default value for DEBUG (for fall-through) from Barefoot:: (not main::)
- this means that "top-level script" no longer defined as "main", but rather whoever includes
this module first
- changed a die() (when DEBUG already defined) to a croak() for better error output
0.20 May 12, 2002
- now allows specification of debug level at use statement
- defaults to 1, but can specify any number you like
- gave up on export_to_level and just doing eval in calling package
- implemented "fall-through" from top-level script: now passes through main::DEBUG if present
- defaults to 0 if not present in calling package and not present in main::
- no longer getting "redefined" errors
0.11 Dec 2, 2001
- changed DEBUG_MODE to DEBUG (still only either 1 or 0)
- finally worked out how to do DEBUG as compile-time constant with various values
- now using Exporter and export_to_level() to export constants
- constant already extant in calling package is a fatal error
- moved master value from package main to package Barefoot::base
0.10 Oct 7, 2001
- initial version using Barefoot::base (in addition to Barefoot::debug)
- changed variable $debug_mode to constant DEBUG_MODE
- always either 1 or 0
- force package main to avoid problems with inclusive use's
0.03 Sep 14, 2001
- debug can now be used in -T scripts without tainting @INC
0.02 Sep 12, 2001
- added $debug_mode as a substitute for $debug
- left $debug in for backward compatibility, but noted that it was depracated
0.01 Dec 27, 2000
- fixed dir to match new private CVS copies location
- cleaned up comments
0.00 Aug 28, 2000
- original version (Barefoot::debug)
- integration of CVS working dir to pull Barefoot:: modules from there when in DEBUG mode
- simple $debug variable
- always either 1 or undefined