This is the Changes file for

0.01	- This is a POSIX version of the Win32::Serialport module
	  ported by Joe Doss for MisterHouse from Version 0.08.

0.02	- Complete rewrite of the pod documentation.
	- module now maintained by Bill Birthisel.
	- Add PARAM: tags to %EXPORT_TAGS.
	- Rename "tact" to "nocarp".
	- Allow "parity_enable" and "set_test_mode_active" to accept FALSE.
	- Add "defined" tests for POSIX tests which return "undef" on fail.
	- Add the "can_xxx" methods with suitable return values.
	- Initialize "user_msg", "error_msg", and "debug" to FALSE.
	- Add "write_drain", "debug", and "reset_error" methods.
	- Revise "baudrate", "parity", "databits", "stopbits", and "handshake"
          to return current values in scalar context and permitted choices
	  in list context. All values in same format as setting arguments.

0.03	- Test version for ioctl support.
Revision history for Perl extension Device::SerialPort.

0.04  Wed Jul 21 23:53:38 1999
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.18
	- MakeMaker templates merged with pre-existing code
	- Add RTS, BREAK, DTR control
	- Add GetTickCount method (clone of Win32::GetTickCount)
	- Add read_const_time and read_char_time
	- Add SHORTsize, LONGsize, test3.t and for testing
	- Add partial tied FileHandle support
	- Documentation improvements
	- Ported some of the Win32::SerialPort examples and demos

0.05  Wed Jul 28 23:53:38 1999
	- now uses standard MakeMaker install sequence with make
	- alternate port for "make test" not yet supported
	- delete lib subdirectories, make copies to blib
	- moved to t, "use lib" paths revised
	- Add can_ioctl and allow operation if "asm/" not found
	- Add error and sanity checking to xxx_active and pulse_xxx methods
	- Document $quiet option for new method
	- Add preliminary lockfile support