Changelog for Dist-Zilla-TravisCI

1.15 2015-04-11T07:13:10
 - Fix a few uninitialized/experimental warnings (Brendan Byrd)
 - Remove sanity module (fixes #31) (Brendan Byrd)

1.14 2015-03-20T12:51:27
 - Remove File::Slurp (wasn't even using it now, anyway) (fixes #20)
   (Brendan Byrd)
 - Suppport Travis CI containerisation infrastructure (Peter Roberts)
 - Removed duplicated code generated for .travis.yml (haargs travis perl
   helpers) (ugexe (Nick Logan))

1.13 2015-02-09T05:31:57
 - Fix precedence bug with poll times in TestRelease (Brendan Byrd)
 - Fix failure to function when untracked files are present (Peter Roberts)
 - Remove dependency on Moose::Autobox (Kent Fredric)
 - Load CommandHelper lazily. (Kent Fredric)

1.12 2014-08-02T23:37:29
 - Detect the proper build in a created state using /builds (Brendan Byrd)
 - Turn off AUTHOR_TESTING for build tests (Brendan Byrd)
 - Fix TravisYML to work with latest Perl 5.20 + blead (Brendan Byrd)
 - Move dirty branch pushing code into its own method in ::Git::Bundle
   (Brendan Byrd)
 - Add AUTHORITY comment to modules (Brendan Byrd)
 - Add version dep to List::AllUtils (for 'pairs') (Brendan Byrd)
 - Add open_status_url option to Travis::TestRelease (Brendan Byrd)
 - Add --author flag to `dzil listdeps' in .travis.yml. (Yasutaka ATARASHI)

1.11 2014-08-02T21:57:27
 - Turn off AUTHOR_TESTING for build tests (Brendan Byrd)
 - Fix TravisYML to work with latest Perl 5.20 + blead (Brendan Byrd)
 - Move dirty branch pushing code into its own method in ::Git::Bundle
   (Brendan Byrd)
 - Add AUTHORITY comment to modules (Brendan Byrd)
 - Add version dep to List::AllUtils (for 'pairs') (Brendan Byrd)
 - Add open_status_url option to Travis::TestRelease (Brendan Byrd)

1.10 2014-05-02T04:18:45
 - Fix (Brendan Byrd)
 - Write post-failure comment for #11 (Brendan Byrd)
 - Many additions/fixes for TravisYML: (Brendan Byrd)
 - New plugin: Travis::TestRelease! (Brendan Byrd)

1.05 2014-04-21T13:24:59
 - Define dump_config for compatibility with newer Git::Repo (Randy
 - Remove --skip-satisfied in favor of listdeps --missing (#14) (Brendan
 - fix typo in log message (Alex Peters)
 - Use two-pass install method for MVDT (#9) (Brendan Byrd)

1.04 2013-06-26T00:05:27
 - Remove Perl 5.8 support (for now) (Brendan Byrd)

1.03 2013-06-23T02:35:24
 - Move around Moose/sanity to (try to) prevent experimental warnings
   (Brendan Byrd)
 - Add new Perl versions recently added to Travis CI:	 5.19, 5.18, 5.8
   (Brendan Byrd)

1.02 2013-06-13T13:26:30
 - Remove Dwarn debug from Plugin (no idea how that passed tests...)
   (Brendan Byrd)

1.01 2013-06-08T01:09:56
 - Fix fatal bug with build branch (Brendan Byrd)
 - Fix docs (Brendan Byrd)

0.98 2013-06-07T11:54:32
 - Fix problem with build-branch .travis.yml not getting properly    added
   if only release_branch is turned on in Git::CommitBuild (Brendan Byrd)

0.97 2013-04-23T02:59:59
 - Fix up docs a bit (fixes Issue #3) (Brendan Byrd)
 - Remove weaver.ini (now in PW BBYRD bundle) (Brendan Byrd)
 - Fix email missing "Please tell me who you are" errors (Brendan Byrd)
 - I don't think it should be really doing AUTHOR and RELEASE testing for
   the dependencies (Torsten Raudssus)

0.96 2013-03-19T18:24:59
 - Prevent "Please tell me who you are" errors for certain DZIL configs
   (Brendan Byrd)
 - Fix typo on IRC block in YML (Brendan Byrd)

0.95 2012-10-02T19:46:10
 - Fix typo on IRC block in YML (Brendan Byrd)

0.94 2012-09-28T20:17:42
 - Fix build branch to include 'installdeps' command (Brendan Byrd)

0.93 2012-09-28T19:54:26
 - Chain smoking for local branch master (Brendan Byrd)
 - Bug fixes (Brendan Byrd)
 - Superfast parallelized dependancy installs for "dzil authordeps"
   (Brendan Byrd)
 - Minor fixes (Brendan Byrd)

0.92 2012-09-06T16:20:49
 - Fix issue #2 (repo_root problem) (Brendan Byrd)

0.91 2012-08-01T15:08:51
 - Remove non-module lines from "| cpanm" commands (like    ReportPhases'
   "Current Command") (Brendan Byrd)

0.90 2012-07-28T13:56:43
 - Minor fixes (Brendan Byrd)
 - Initial commit (Brendan Byrd)