Revision history for Perl module App::Module::Lister

0.152 2018-04-07T19:05:41Z
	* Change to the Artistic License

0.151 2018-02-26T11:56:49Z
	* Freshen distro

0.15 - 2013-12-02
	* Hide a package from PAUSE

0.14 - 2013-11-15
	* Update name in module abstract (RT #90363)

0.13 - 2008-09-22
	* Minor cleanups and a move to git

0.11 - 2007-12-22
	* Bump to release version number

0.10_01 - 2007-12-19
	* First release: distro-fied it, but you really just need lib/
	It's a modulino, so you can rename it and run it directly.