Revision history for Perl module 

20210112.001 2021-01-19T14:48:12Z
	* freshen distro, dump Travis CI, add Github Actions
	* Update to latest Business::ISBN::Data

20191107 2019-12-11T20:04:42Z
	* Peter Williams fixed the 978/979 distinction (GitHub #5)

20140910.003 2015-12-15T12:25:58Z
	* Hide the Business::ISBN namespace

20140910.02 - 2014-09-22
	* Look in the current directory for RangeMessage.xml if it's
	not in other locations. This can help with various Perl app
	packagers. (But, also try ISBN_RANGE_MESSAGE env var)

20140910.001 - 2014-09-18
	* Update to the latest data (2014-09-10)

20120719.01 - 2012-07-26
	Specify the Test::More version so I can use subtest.
	No code or feature changes

20120719 - 2012-07-23
	* Support data from RangeMessage.xml. You can use the latest
	data from ISBN without updating this module.

20120718 - 2012-07-23
	* Daniel Jakubik updated the data for July 18, 2012

20081208 - 2008-12-05
	* Latest data update.

20081020 - 2008-10-20
	* Updated publisher codes thanks to Yakov Shafranovich
	* Version number is now the update date of the module,
	in YYYYMMDD. This not the date of the ISBN Agency
	updates though.

1.17 - 2007-10-27
	* Update to docs to point to latest URL for ISBN International

1.16 - 2007-10-25
	* distro cleanups. No need to upgrade.:wq

1.15 - 2007-08-31
	[BUGFIX] RT #29078: Fix publihser ranges for Greece

1.14 - 2007-05-18
	* *Added 7000-8499 range from Greece (960) to fix RT #27107

1.13 - 2007-01-09
	* updated copyright and license info
	* no code changes, so no need to upgrade

1.12 - 2007-01-09
	* updated copyright and license info
	* no code changes, so no need to upgrade

1.11 - 2006-05-18
	* Updated distro and kwalitee. No need to upgrade.

1.10 - 2005-03-08
	* Doc fixup, no big whoop: no need to upgrade

1.09 - 2005-03-08
	* added POD coverage test and fixed up the problems it found

1.09 - 2004-12-14
	* updated the publisher ranges and the country prefixes for the latest
	data as of November 2004.  See http://www.isbn-international.or
	* Added the script I used to take the raw data and turn it into the
	* I recommend this update for everyone.  Lots of publisher ranges have

1.08 - 2004-10-08
	* no change in functionality or data: no need to upgrade
	* added strictures to the package

1.07 - 2004-09-14
	* distro cleanup:  no need to upgrade

1.06 - 2004-09-14
	* small clean-ups for distribution bits---no need to upgrade

1.05 - 2003-11-27
	* updated publisher codes

1.05 - 2003-11-27
	* update publisher ranges

1.05 - 2003-11-27
	* Updated publisher ranges

1.03 - 2002-11-25
	* fixed Makefile to install in right place

1.02 - 2002-11-25
	* this is the first release as a separate module
	* added additional publishers (4xxx) for english countries