package ConfigReader::Simple;
use strict;

# $Id:,v 1.13 2002/09/16 21:18:46 comdog Exp $

use vars qw($VERSION $AUTOLOAD);

use Carp qw(croak);

( $VERSION ) = sprintf "%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.13 $ =~ m/ (\d+) \. (\d+) /gx;

my $DEBUG = 0;

=head1 NAME

ConfigReader::Simple - Simple configuration file parser


	use ConfigReader::Simple;

	# parse one file
	$config = ConfigReader::Simple->new("configrc", [qw(Foo Bar Baz Quux)]);

	# parse multiple files, in order
	$config = ConfigReader::Simple->new_multiple(
		Files => [ "global", "configrc" ], 
		Keys  => [qw(Foo Bar Baz Quux)]

	my @directives = $config->directives;

	$config->get( "Foo" );

   if( $config->exists( "Bar" ) )
   		print "Bar was in the config file\n";


C<ConfigReader::Simple> reads and parses simple configuration files. It's
designed to be smaller and simpler than the C<ConfigReader> module
and is more suited to simple configuration files.

=head1 METHODS

=over 4


Creates a ConfigReader::Simple object.

C<FILENAME> tells the instance where to look for the configuration

C<DIRECTIVES> is an optional argument and is a reference to an array.  
Each member of the array should contain one valid directive. A directive
is the name of a key that must occur in the configuration file. If it
is not found, the module will die. The directive list may contain all
the keys in the configuration file, a sub set of keys or no keys at all.

The C<new> method is really a wrapper around C<new_multiple>.


sub new 
	my $class    = shift;
	my $filename = shift;
	my $keyref   = shift;
	$keyref = [] unless defined $keyref;
	my $self = $class->new_multiple( 
		Files => [ $filename ],
		Keys  => $keyref );
	return $self;

=item new_multiple( Files => ARRAY_REF, Keys => ARRAY_REF )

Create a configuration object from several files listed
in the anonymous array value for the C<Files> key.  The
module reads the files in the same order that they appear
in the array.  Later values override earlier ones.  This
allows you to specify global configurations which you 
may override with more specific ones:

		Files => [ qw( /etc/config /usr/local/etc/config /home/usr/config ) ],

This function carps if the values are not array references.


sub new_multiple
	my $class    = shift;
	my %args     = @_;

	my $self = {};
	$args{'Keys'} = [] unless defined $args{'Keys'};
	carp( __PACKAGE__ . ': Strings argument must be a array reference')
		unless UNIVERSAL::isa( $args{'Files'}, 'ARRAY' );
	carp( __PACKAGE__ . ': Keys argument must be an array reference')
		unless UNIVERSAL::isa( $args{'Keys'}, 'ARRAY' );
	$self->{"filenames"} = $args{'Files'};
	$self->{"validkeys"} = $args{'Keys'};
	bless $self, $class;
	foreach my $file ( @{ $self->{"filenames"} } )
		$self->parse( $file );
	return $self;

=item new_string( Strings => ARRAY_REF, Keys => ARRAY_REF )

Create a configuration object from several strings listed
in the anonymous array value for the C<Strings> key.  The
module reads the strings in the same order that they appear
in the array.  Later values override earlier ones.  This
allows you to specify global configurations which you 
may override with more specific ones:

		Strings => [ \$global, \$local ],

This function carps if the values are not array references.


sub new_string
	my $class = shift;
	my %args  = @_;
	my $self = {};
	$args{'Keys'} = [] unless defined $args{'Keys'};

	carp( __PACKAGE__ . ': Strings argument must be a array reference')
		unless UNIVERSAL::isa( $args{'Strings'}, 'ARRAY' );
	carp( __PACKAGE__ . ': Keys argument must be an array reference')
		unless UNIVERSAL::isa( $args{'Keys'}, 'ARRAY' );

	bless $self, $class;

	$self->{"strings"} = $args{'Strings'};
	$self->{"validkeys"} = $args{'Keys'};
	foreach my $string ( @{ $self->{"strings"} } )
		$self->parse_string( $string );
	return $self;
=item add_config_file( FILENAME )

Parse another configuration file and add its directives to the
current configuration object. Any directives already defined 
will be replaced with the new values found in FILENAME.


sub add_config_file
	my $self     = shift;
	my $filename = shift;
	return unless ( -e $filename and -r _ );
	push @{ $self->{"filenames"} }, $filename
		if $self->parse( $filename );
	return 1;
sub new_from_prototype
	my $self     = shift;
	my $filename = shift;
	my $clone = $self->clone;
	return $clone;
	my $self = shift;

	my $method = $AUTOLOAD;

	$method =~ s/.*:://;

	$self->get( $method );

	return 1;

=item parse( FILENAME )

This does the actual work.

This is automatically called from C<new()>, although you can reparse
the configuration file by calling C<parse()> again.


sub parse 
	my $self = shift;
	my $file = shift;
	open CONFIG, $file or die "Cannot open file $file: $!";
	while( <CONFIG> )
		next if /^\s*(#|$)/; 
		my ($key, $value) = &parse_line($_);
		warn "Key:  '$key'   Value:  '$value'\n" if $DEBUG;
		$self->{"config_data"}{$key} = $value;
	return 1;

=item parse_from_string( SCALAR_REF )

Parses the string inside the reference SCALAR_REF just as if
it found it in a file.


sub parse_string
	my $self   = shift;
	my $string = shift;
	my @lines = split /\r?\n/, $$string;
	foreach my $line ( @lines )
		next if $line =~ /^\s*(#|$)/; 
		my ($key, $value) = &parse_line($line);
		warn "Key:  '$key'   Value:  '$value'\n" if $DEBUG;
		$self->{"config_data"}{$key} = $value;
	return 1;
=item get( DIRECTIVE )

Returns the parsed value for that directive.  For directives
which did not have a value in the configuration file, C<get>
returns the empty string.


sub get 
	my $self = shift;
	my $key  = shift;
	return $self->{"config_data"}{$key};

=item set( DIRECTIVE, VALUE )

Sets the value for DIRECTIVE to VALUE.  The DIRECTIVE
need not already exist.  This overwrites previous 


sub set 
	my $self = shift;
	my( $key, $value ) = @_;
	$self->{"config_data"}{$key} = $value;

=item unset( DIRECTIVE )

Remove the value from DIRECTIVE, which will still exist.  It's
value is undef.  If the DIRECTIVE does not exist, it will not
be created.  Returns FALSE if the DIRECTIVE does not already
exist, and TRUE otherwise.


sub unset
	my $self = shift;
	my $key  = shift;
	return unless $self->exists( $key );
	$self->{"config_data"}{$key} = undef;
	return 1;

=item remove( DIRECTIVE )

Remove the DIRECTIVE. Returns TRUE is DIRECTIVE existed
and FALSE otherwise.   


sub remove
	my $self = shift;
	my $key  = shift;
	return unless $self->exists( $key );
	delete $self->{"config_data"}{$key};
	return 1;

=item directives()

Returns a list of all of the directive names found in the configuration
file. The keys are sorted ASCII-betically.


sub directives
	my $self = shift;

	my @keys = sort keys %{ $self->{"config_data"} };

	return @keys;

=item exists( DIRECTIVE )

Return TRUE if the specified directive exists, and FALSE


sub exists
	my $self = shift;
	my $name = shift;
	return CORE::exists $self->{"config_data"}{ $name };

=item clone

Return a copy of the object.  The new object is distinct
from the original.


# this is only the first stab at this -- from 35,000
# feet in coach class
sub clone
	my $self = shift;
	my $clone = {};
	$clone->{"filename"}  = $self->{"filename"};
	$clone->{"validkeys"} = $self->{"validkeys"};
	foreach my $key ( keys %{ $self->{'config_data'} } )
		$clone->{'config_data'}{$key} = $self->{'config_data'}{$key};
	bless $clone, __PACKAGE__;
	return $clone;

# Internal methods

sub parse_line 
	my $text = shift;
	my ($key, $value);
	# AWJ: Allow optional '=' or ' = ' between key and value:
	if ($text =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s*[=]?\s*(['"]?)(.*?)\2\s*$/ ) 
		( $key, $value ) = ( $1, $3 );
		croak "Config: Can't parse line: $text\n";
	return ($key, $value);

=item _validate_keys ( )

If any keys were declared when the object was constructed,
check that those keys actually occur in the configuration file.


sub _validate_keys 
	my $self = shift;
	if ( $self->{"validkeys"} )
		my ($declared_key);
		my $declared_keys_ref = $self->{"validkeys"};

		foreach $declared_key ( @$declared_keys_ref )
			unless ( $self->{"config_data"}{$declared_key} )
				croak "Config: key '$declared_key' does not occur in file $self->{filename}\n";
         	warn "Key: $declared_key found.\n" if $DEBUG;

	return 1;



Directives are case-sensitive.

If a directive is repeated, the first instance will silently be

=head1 CREDITS

Bek Oberin <> wote the original module

Kim Ryan <> adapted the module to make declaring
keys optional.  Thanks Kim.

Alan W. Jurgensen <> added a change to allow
the NAME=VALUE format in the configuration file.

=head1 AUTHORS

brian d foy, <>


Copyright (c) 2002 brian d foy.  All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

