Revision history for Perl module 

1.112_03 2018-03-29T17:24:00Z
	* Another try for CPAN Testers

1.112_02 2018-03-27T19:14:00Z
	* Check CPAN Testers for the latest test changes.

1.112_01 2018-03-25T19:48:54Z
	* See if CPAN Testers likes this verison

1.111 2018-03-22T19:15:06Z
	* Change to Artistic License 2.0

1.11 - 2014-12-25
	* Fix for v5.21.7 and UNIVERSAL (RT #101065)

1.10_01 - 2014-12-23
	* Don't import isa, which disappears in Perl 5.22

1.10 - 2014-01-03
	* Get rid of MYMETA

1.08 - 2012-07-18
	* Add the File::Spec::Functions prereq (RT #39826)

1.07 - 2007-11-09
	* updates for the move from CVS to SVN, and latest kwalitee
	* require Perl 5.6
	* no need to upgrade

1.06 - 2007-01-13
	* adjusted some tests that were failing because they weren't
	doing the right thing
	* No need to upgrade if you already have this installed.

1.05 - 2007-01-10
	* updated copyright and license info
	* no code changes, so no need to upgrade
	* bumped version number to 1.x

0.10_03 - 2005-01-26
	* small documentation and testing fix: no big whoop.

0.010_01 - 2004-09-30
	* implemented find_by_ (name, regex, max_size, min_size, zero_size)
	* still plenty of functions to implement