Revision history for Perl module Geo::GeoNames

1.13 2019-07-23T19:36:01Z
	* support the children? query (@alesn)
	* a bit more info when the response has the wrong mime type (@nigelhorne)

1.12 - 2017-04-16
	* Update the docs for GitHub Issues:
	+ call things methods (
	+ use GitHub as the issue tracker (

1.11 - 2016-08-17
    * Nicolas Mendoza
	* Fix POD syntax error

1.10 - 2016-08-16
    * Nicolas Mendoza
	* Add support for hierarchy API
	* Happy CPAN-day!

1.09 - 2016-03-11
    * Nicolas Mendoza
	* Some CPAN-testers get other kind of error messages from Geonames

1.08 - 2016-03-10
	* Nicolas Mendoza
	* None

1.07 - 2016-03-10
	* Nicolas Mendoza
	* Try to solve issue with JSON + a custom LWP::UserAgent

1.06 - 2015-12-07
	* Nicolas Mendoza
	* alternateName and other multi-element xml values were simply trimmed so 
	that only one element survived.
	This change should return them as an arrayref, but still return a single
	entry as a hashref.

1.05 - 2015-11-26
	* Nicolas Mendoza
	* Fix JSON parsing when using a custom non-Mojo::UserAgent-derived client

1.04 - 2015-11-24
	* Nicolas Mendoza
	* Added support for custom User-Agent (GH #10)

1.03 - 2015-11-04
	* Nicolas Mendoza
	* Added documentation for new parameters and get function

1.02 - 2015-11-03
	* Nicolas Mendoza
	* Added function get
	* Sort parameters in URLs to end up with consistent URL (GH #8)
	* Add missing allowed search parameters (GH #4)

1.01_01 - 2013-10-08
	* Handle the test case where the tester is not connected
	to the internet.

1.01 - 2013-10-02
	* Fix MYMETA problem (RT #89157)
	* Patch for multi-value params (RT #48712)
	* Patch for new API address (RT #62358)

0.09 - 2012-07-17
	* Handle bad username cases. Require something that's not
	empty and catch errors from the server when the username
	is unknown.
	* Make the API address overrideable through default_url()

0.08 - 2012-07-14
	* Make the live tests optional. You need to set GEONAMES_USER
	to run the tests.

0.07 - 2012-07-13
	* brian d foy
	* Update for change to that requires
	a user account

0.06  2008-03-25
	* Per Henrik Johansen
	* Added JSON support
	* Added function cities
	* Added function country_info
	* Added function earthquakes
	* Added function find_nearby_weather
	* Fixed arguments in functions search
	* Fixed arguments to the functions country_code,
	  find_nearby_placeName, wikipedia_search

0.05  2007-07-05 
	* Per Henrik Johansen
	* Added function find_nearby_wikipedia
	* Added function find_nearby_wikipedia_by_postalcode
	* Added function wikipedia_search
	* Added function wikipedia_bounding_box
	* Added function country_info
	* Some refactoring

0.04  2007-07-03
	* Per Henrik Johansen
	* Added function find_nearest_address
	* Added function find_nearest_intersection
	* Added function find_nearby_streets

0.03  2006-12-04
	* Per Henrik Johansen
	* Use AUTOLOADER to find method names (they all looked the same)
	* Use PREREQ_PM in Makefile.PL. Added the versions on my system, since
	  these are the only I know work for sure.

0.02  2006-11-30
	* Per Henrik Johansen
	* Added function find_nearby_postalcodes
	* Added function find_nearby_placename
	* Added function postalcode_country_info
	* Refactored the code so it is easier to add new searches
	* Fixed bug in geocode()
	* edited perldoc

0.01 - 2006-11-27
	* Per Henrik Johansen
	* original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options -AXc -n Geo::GeoNames