# $Id: Changes,v 1.13 2007/01/10 04:07:23 comdog Exp $
Revision history for Perl extension HTML::SimpleLinkExtor.
1.16 - Tue Jan 9 22:07:34 2007
* updated copyright and license info
* no code changes, so no need to upgrade
1.15 - Thu Jan 4 11:37:02 2007
* added parse_url method to fetch remote data for link extraction
* fixed man page destination for linktractor
1.14 - Tue Jan 2 22:44:41 2007
* Added a command line tool, linktractor, to extract the links
from the input files, stdin, or a file of the net.
* Updated license info. Use this under the terms of Perl itself.
* Happy New Year!
1.13 - Sat May 27 02:21:37 2006
* Added functions to add tags and attributes to the list that
the module will parse. You don't have to fool with the internal
hash or email me to make changes anymore!
* Unless you want this feature, you don't need to upgrade.
1.12 - Wed Jan 11 00:51:33 2006
* rt.cpan.org: Ticket #16942: A bug in my URL resolution code
only resolved the last URL found in a tag. Now the code goes through
all the value and resolves each that it thinks should be a URL
* Everyone should upgrade
1.11 - Mon Aug 22 22:44:18 2005
* added support for iframe src extraction
* no need to upgrade unless you need this feature
1.10 - Tue Aug 16 14:42:24 2005
* added a clear_links() method so you can start fresh if you
want to parse multiple files with the same parser object. This
does not affect previous behavior, so old scripts should be
1.09 - Fri Mar 11 22:52:40 2005
* Added POD coverage tests, fixed issues
* No code changes: no need to upgrade
1.08 - Tue Sep 7 20:45:10 2004
* cleaned up distribution
* no need to upgrade
1.06 - Tue Jun 15 13:32:38 2004
* added test for SCRIPT tag
* noted in docs that HTML::LinkExtor handles the parsing, not me
1.05 - Tue Jun 15 13:08:22 2004
* added support to extract references from SCRIPT tags
* cleaned up the dist to use Test::More, and other housekeeping things
0.72 Fri Nov 9 04:07:17 EST 2001
- fixed bug with img tags that contained a usemap attribute
(identified by Will Crain <crainw@hotmail.com>)
0.71 Wed Jan 24 14:34:10 EST 2001
- minor doc fixes
0.07 Fri Nov 17 19:18:41 EST 2000
- added support to extract frame SRC attribute values.
0.01 Sun Oct 8 00:58:58 2000
- original version; created by h2xs 1.18