Revision history for Perl module HTTP::SimpleLinkChecker
1.161 2016-01-13T18:25:12Z
* Handle HTTPS, now that LWP needs extra help
1.16 - 2010-05-23
* Fix the status test for 403
1.15 - 2007-12-08
* add the http_status command line program to check a URL (and the
links it contains)
* require 5.006 now
* otherwise, things are the same as before :)
1.14 - 2007-11-24
* Cleanups for the move from CVS to SVN
* added teh httpstatus command line program to make it even
1.13 - 2007-01-09
* updated copyright and license info
* no code changes, so no need to upgrade
1.11 - 2006-12-25
* Somehow I forgot to include Exporter, so the exports weren't working.
Now they are.
1.10 - 2006-06-08
* Distro cleanup; no need up to upgrade
1.09 - 2005-07-07
* Updated docs to note the things that can go wrong when checking links.
There is no need to upgrade
1.08 - 2005-03-11
* Added POD coverage tests, fixed issues
* no code changes: no need to upgrade
1.07 - 2005-01-26
* I now detect proxy settings with LWP::UserAgent's env_proxy(). This
fixes CPAN RT #11069.
1.06 - 2004-09-07
* cleaned up distro
* added tests and now use Test::More
* no need to upgrade if you already have this module
1.5 - 2002-06-23
* the user-agent variable is now private, although you
can get at it with a method
0.51 - 2001-01-24
* minor doc fixes
0.01 - 2000-10-07
* original version; created by h2xs 1.18