Revision history for Perl module IO::Interactive

1.023 2021-02-03T22:37:57Z
	* Explain why ARGV is a problem (Github #9)
	* Freshen distro, remove Travis CI, add Github Actions

1.022 2016-09-04T05:31:39Z
	* Stable release with some performance enhancements

1.021_02 - 2016-08-30T08:09:35Z
	* Lazy load Carp (Todd Rinaldo)

1.021 = 2016-01-27T20:29:17Z
	* Freshen the distro a bit
	* Somehow CPAN still has 0.0.6, so no one has David Muey's enhancements

1.01 - 2011-11-18
	* Decrease memory use a bit ***:
	1. lazy load only if we're about to croak()
	2. Remove use of since a decimal will do
		(made it 1.01 per discussion) - moots rt 50120
	3. Remove the need for Scalar::Util

	=== Baseline RSS 1204,
		Orig RSS 2464 (+1260),
		New RSS 2244 (+1040)

	Technically -220 not a *huge* gain, but the ::Tiny version I'd
	worked up before this patch had an RSS of 1332 (+128). I need to
	look into that and see if anything else could be done here.

0.0.6 - 2009-01-14

0.0.5 - 2009-01-14
	* Happy 2009! There aren't any code changes, but I needed to
	make the version in the Pod match the code version.

0.0.4 - 2008-08-31
	* Fixes include:
	* #24823: is_interactive() and command line arguments
	* #38660: "null" filehandle is a memory leak
	* #20689: IO::Interactive leaks temp files

0.03_01 - 2008-08-24
	* Cleaning up old tickets:
	* #20689 Now that we don't use a scalar filehandle,
	no extra temp files under 5.6.2
	* #24823 Applied Schwern's patch to ignore command
	line arguments
	* #38660 Fix memory link (same fix for #20689), not
	printing to a scalar
	* Maintainer is now brian d foy <>

0.0.3 - 2006-02-17
	* Fixed is_interactive to default to currently selected filehandle,
      rather than to *STDOUT.

0.0.2 - 2005-05-22
    * added dependency on

0.0.1 - 2005-03-17
 	* Initial release.