package Mac::PropertyList::ReadBinary; use strict; use warnings; use vars qw( $VERSION ); use Carp; use Data::Dumper; use Encode qw(decode); use Mac::PropertyList; use Math::BigInt; use MIME::Base64 qw(decode_base64); use POSIX qw(SEEK_END SEEK_SET); use XML::Entities (); $VERSION = '1.38_02'; __PACKAGE__->_run( @ARGV ) unless caller; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Mac::PropertyList::ReadBinary - read binary property list files =head1 SYNOPSIS # use directly use Mac::PropertyList::ReadBinary; my $parser = Mac::PropertyList::ReadBinary->new( $file ); my $plist = $parser->plist; # use indirectly, automatically selects right reader use Mac::PropertyList; my $plist = parse_plist_file( $file ); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is a low-level interface to the Mac OS X Property List (plist) format. You probably shouldn't use this in applications—build interfaces on top of this so you don't have to put all the heinous multi-level object stuff where people have to look at it. You can parse a plist file and get back a data structure. You can take that data structure and get back the plist as XML (but not binary yet). If you want to change the structure inbetween that's your business. :) See C<Mac::PropertyList> for more details. =head2 Methods =over 4 =item new( FILENAME | SCALAR_REF | FILEHANDLE ) Opens the data source, doing the right thing for filenames, scalar references, or a filehandle. =cut sub new { my( $class, $source ) = @_; my $self = bless { source => $source }, $class; $self->_read; $self; } sub _source { $_[0]->{source} } sub _fh { $_[0]->{fh} } sub _trailer { $_[0]->{trailer} } sub _offsets { $_[0]->{offsets} } sub _object_ref_size { $_[0]->_trailer->{ref_size} } =item plist Returns the C<Mac::PropertyList> data structure. =cut sub plist { $_[0]->{parsed} } sub _object_size { $_[0]->_trailer->{object_count} * $_[0]->_trailer->{offset_size} } sub _read { my( $self, $thingy ) = @_; $self->{fh} = $self->_get_filehandle; $self->_read_plist_trailer; $self->_get_offset_table; my $top = $self->_read_object_at_offset( $self->_trailer->{top_object} ); $self->{parsed} = $top; } sub _get_filehandle { my( $self, $thingy ) = @_; my $fh; if( ! ref $self->_source ) { # filename open $fh, "<", $self->_source or die "Could not open [@{[$self->_source]}]! $!"; } elsif( ref $self->_source eq ref \ '' ) { # scalar ref open $fh, "<", $self->_source or croak "Could not open file! $!"; } elsif( ref $self->_source ) { # filehandle $fh = $self->_source; } else { croak( 'No source to read from!' ); } $fh; } sub _read_plist_trailer { my $self = shift; seek $self->_fh, -32, SEEK_END; my $buffer; read $self->_fh, $buffer, 32; my %hash; @hash{ qw( offset_size ref_size object_count top_object table_offset ) } = unpack "x6 C C (x4 N)3", $buffer; $self->{trailer} = \%hash; } sub _get_offset_table { my $self = shift; seek $self->_fh, $self->_trailer->{table_offset}, SEEK_SET; my $try_to_read = $self->_object_size; my $raw_offset_table; my $read = read $self->_fh, $raw_offset_table, $try_to_read; croak "reading offset table failed!" unless $read == $try_to_read; my @offsets = unpack ["","C*","n*","(H6)*","N*"]->[$self->_trailer->{offset_size}], $raw_offset_table; $self->{offsets} = \@offsets; if( $self->_trailer->{offset_size} == 3 ) { @offsets = map { hex } @offsets; } } sub _read_object_at_offset { my( $self, $offset ) = @_; my @caller = caller(1); seek $self->_fh, ${ $self->_offsets }[$offset], SEEK_SET; $self->_read_object; } # # # # # # # # # # # # # # BEGIN { my %singletons = ( 0 => undef, 8 => Mac::PropertyList::false->new(), 9 => Mac::PropertyList::true->new(), # 15 is also defined (as "fill") in the comments to Apple's # implementation in CFBinaryPList.c but Apple's actual code has no # support for it at all, either reading or writing, so it's # probably not important to implement. ); my $type_readers = { 0 => sub { # the odd balls my( $self, $length ) = @_; return $singletons{ $length } if exists $singletons{ $length }; croak ( sprintf "Unknown type byte %02X\n", $length ); }, 1 => sub { # integers my( $self, $length ) = @_; croak "Integer > 8 bytes = $length" if $length > 3; my $byte_length = 1 << $length; my( $buffer, $value ); read $self->_fh, $buffer, $byte_length; my @formats = qw( C n N NN ); my @values = unpack $formats[$length], $buffer; if( $length == 3 ) { my( $high, $low ) = @values; my $b = Math::BigInt->new($high)->blsft(32)->bior($low); if( $b->bcmp(Math::BigInt->new(2)->bpow(63)) > 0) { $b -= Math::BigInt->new(2)->bpow(64); } @values = ( $b ); } return Mac::PropertyList::integer->new( $values[0] ); }, 2 => sub { # reals my( $self, $length ) = @_; croak "Real > 8 bytes" if $length > 3; croak "Bad length [$length]" if $length < 2; my $byte_length = 1 << $length; my( $buffer, $value ); read $self->_fh, $buffer, $byte_length; my @formats = qw( a a f> d> ); my @values = unpack $formats[$length], $buffer; return Mac::PropertyList::real->new( $values[0] ); }, 3 => sub { # date my( $self, $length ) = @_; croak "Date != 8 bytes" if $length != 3; my $byte_length = 1 << $length; my( $buffer, $value ); read $self->_fh, $buffer, $byte_length; my @values = unpack 'd>', $buffer; $self->{MLen} += 9; my $adjusted_time = POSIX::strftime( "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", gmtime( 978307200 + $values[0]) ); return Mac::PropertyList::date->new( $adjusted_time ); }, 4 => sub { # binary data my( $self, $length ) = @_; my( $buffer, $value ); read $self->_fh, $buffer, $length; return Mac::PropertyList::data->new( $buffer ); }, 5 => sub { # utf8 string my( $self, $length ) = @_; my( $buffer, $value ); read $self->_fh, $buffer, $length; $buffer = Encode::decode( 'ascii', $buffer ); return Mac::PropertyList::string->new( $buffer ); }, 6 => sub { # unicode string my( $self, $length ) = @_; my( $buffer, $value ); read $self->_fh, $buffer, 2 * $length; $buffer = Encode::decode( "UTF-16BE", $buffer ); return Mac::PropertyList::ustring->new( $buffer ); }, a => sub { # array my( $self, $elements ) = @_; my @objects = do { my $buffer; read $self->_fh, $buffer, $elements * $self->_object_ref_size; unpack( ($self->_object_ref_size == 1 ? "C*" : "n*"), $buffer ); }; my @array = map { $self->_read_object_at_offset( $objects[$_] ) } 0 .. $elements - 1; return Mac::PropertyList::array->new( \@array ); }, d => sub { # dictionary my( $self, $length ) = @_; my @key_indices = do { my $buffer; my $s = $self->_object_ref_size; read $self->_fh, $buffer, $length * $self->_object_ref_size; unpack( ($self->_object_ref_size == 1 ? "C*" : "n*"), $buffer ); }; my @objects = do { my $buffer; read $self->_fh, $buffer, $length * $self->_object_ref_size; unpack( ($self->_object_ref_size == 1 ? "C*" : "n*"), $buffer ); }; my %dict = map { my $key = $self->_read_object_at_offset($key_indices[$_])->value; my $value = $self->_read_object_at_offset($objects[$_]); ( $key, $value ); } 0 .. $length - 1; return Mac::PropertyList::dict->new( \%dict ); }, }; sub _read_object { my $self = shift; my $buffer; croak "read() failed while trying to get type byte! $!" unless read( $self->_fh, $buffer, 1) == 1; my $length = unpack( "C*", $buffer ) & 0x0F; $buffer = unpack "H*", $buffer; my $type = substr $buffer, 0, 1; $length = $self->_read_object->value if $type ne "0" && $length == 15; my $sub = $type_readers->{ $type }; my $result = eval { $sub->( $self, $length ) }; croak "$@" if $@; return $result; } } =back =head1 SEE ALSO Some of the ideas are cribbed from CFBinaryPList.c =head1 SOURCE AVAILABILITY This project is in Github: git:// =head1 CREDITS =head1 AUTHOR brian d foy, C<< <> >> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright © 2004-2013 brian d foy. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut "See why 1984 won't be like 1984";