# $Id: Changes,v 1.8 2006/06/23 14:40:58 comdog Exp $
Revision history for Perl extension MacOSX::iTunes.

0.86 - Fri Jun 23 15:40:22 2006
	* Updated distro, minor non-code fixes. The module is still really,
	really old, and I'm waiting for an Intel Mac to start anything

0.85 - Fri Jul 15 00:40:29 2005
	* Added check in Parse.pm for the iTunes library version number.
	We can't handle stuff later than version 4.5, so we die if that
	happens. I'd like to handle the later versions, but I haven't had
	time to figure out the file format.

0.84 - Fri Oct  8 16:15:49 2004
* i fixed up a few distribution things, but this module needs a 
lot of work to catch up to the current state of iTunes.  You
probably don't want this unless you are dealing with iTunes 3

0.82 - Fri Jan  3 12:33:22 2003
	* the test mp3 is now a 20 second clip, so the dist size is
	much smaller

	* marked the unimplemented functions as such in the documentation

0.81 Sun Dec  1 22:21:56 CST 2002
	- fix POD formatting errors
	- no code changes
0.80 Tue Nov 26 21:44:20 CST 2002 
	- much better htim parsing
	- none of the applescript has changed
	- some tests are more robust
	- new_from_directory() makes Item object correctly
0.01  Mon Jun 10 19:16:12 2002
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-AXn MacOSX::iTunes