Revision history for Perl extension Math::NoCarry.

1.09 - Thu May 18 17:15:39 2006
	* Updates to distro and kwalitee. No need to upgrade.

1.08 - Fri Mar 11 21:55:20 2005
	* Updated docs for POD coverage tests
	* No code changes, but the docs for subtract() are labelled
	correctly now.

1.07 - Wed Nov 17 16:03:55 2004
* no changes

1.07 - Fri Oct  8 15:56:57 2004
* no feature changes: added strictures and removed unreachable statement

1.06 - Wed Sep  8 03:43:12 2004
* cleaned up the distro and the docs
8 no code changes, no need to upgrade

0.01  Tue Jun 25 03:10:43 2002
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-AXn Math::NoCarry