Revision history for Perl module Module::Extract::Use

1.044 2019-12-18T02:38:56Z
	* Bump this to a user release.

1.043_02 2019-12-17T12:55:00Z
	* Small fixes

1.043_01 2019-12-17T12:29:57Z
	* handle a couple of new cases:
	- include the modules specified by parent or base
	- find the require's in expressions, like `my $r = require Foo`

1.043 2017-02-03T03:24:02Z
	* Clarified license (GitHub issue #3

1.042 2017-02-01T02:46:27Z
	* The -l and -j options work on the list of namespaces from all 
	files together instead of the list per file. Otherwise strict 
	and warnings always show up multiple times!

1.041 2017-02-01T01:58:04Z
	* Add JSON and simple list outputs for examples/extract_modules

1.04 - 2014-01-04
	* Get rid of MYMETA
	* Update test data structures for latest behavior

1.03 - 2012-08-02
	* Note the "pragma" field in the module details (RT 78728)

1.02 - 2011-11-01
	* Adjusted no_index. No code changes.

1.01 - 2011-03-30
	* Promote to a stable version
	* Some files moved around, and I updated the copyright statements
	for downstream ease.

0.18 - 2011-03-21
	Implemented get_modules_with_details to extract the
	version and import lists for a use().

0.16 - 2009-06-10
	* Small distro cleanups and new META_MERGE hotness. No need
	to upgrade.

0.15 - 2009-05-31
	* Debian wants the man pages, so I guess I'll make them
	after all

0.14 - 2009-05-20
	* Adjust PPI bits to look for 'require' bits too
	* Add extract_modules example from Jonathan Yu

0.13 - 2008-10-29
	* Only return unique elements, so remove the duplicates
	from the return list

0.12 - 2008-10-29
	* No more carping. Check the value of $object->error after a call
	to see if anything bad happened.

0.11 - 2008-10-28
	* Bump to a release version

0.10_01 - 2008-08-15
	* First release of a module to pull out the package names