1.10_01 - Tue Nov 29 22:33:59 2011
	* Use a safe compartment
	* Require Perl 5.10 so I can use named captures.

1.01 - Tue Apr 26 05:08:52 2011
	* Bump to a full release version. The module isn't going to
	change that much now.
	* Add an example to the synopsis.
	* Other than that, it's the same old code. :)

0.12 - Tue Sep 16 21:55:13 2008
	* Moved everything to git
	* Added corpus to the no_index bit of META.yml by using
	the latest features of ExtUtils::MakeMaker

0.11 - Sat Aug  9 09:01:29 2008
	* Bumping this to a release version
	* CPAN Testers seems to like it
	* If you find pathological cases, please let me know about them

0.10_01 - Thu Apr  3 11:52:55 2008
	* This is the initial version of my module to extract module versions
	without running module code. I stole most of it from PAUSE's 