Revision history for Perl module Module::Starter::AddModule
1.008 2022-01-09T03:58:41Z
* no code changes. Fix a link in README.pod.
1.007 2021-01-25T17:54:18Z
Fix Windows problem with ./Build (Github #3, BillKSmith)
* Freshen the distro, remove Travis, add Github Actions
1.006 2018-06-04T14:16:26Z
* Change to Artistic License 2.0.
1.005 - 2014-01-03
* Get rid of MYMETA
1.004 - 2013-08-02
* Add an example from the command line (GitHub issue #1)
1.003 - 2012-11-20
* Fixed small typo in synopsis
* Added encoding to Pod
1.002 - 2012-07-28
* Hide Module::Starter::Smart from PAUSE
1.001 - 2012-05-08
* First stable release
0.10_04 - 2011-11-06
* Document basedir
0.10_02 - 2010-01-06
* I really need to fix my local Test::Prereq so I catch
those prereqs :)
0.10_01 - 2010-01-05
* The initial release