Revision history for Perl module PPI::App::ppi_version::BDFOY

1.001 2021-02-07T06:32:15Z
	* Don't warn if the version is a semantic version like 'v1.2.3'
	(Github #1)

0.142 2021-01-28T22:49:08Z
	* Freshen the distro, remove Travis CI, add Github Actions

0.141 2018-05-23T14:57:36Z
	* Change to Artistic License 2.0
	* Several minor meta fixes to the distro

0.14 - 2013-12-17
	* Handle `our $VERSION`

0.12 - 2009-06-10
	* Initial release of my own version of ppi_version. Mostly
	the same thing, but with output that pleases me.