package Perl::Version; use warnings; use strict; use Carp; use Scalar::Util qw( blessed ); our $VERSION = '1.013_03'; use overload ( '""' => \&stringify, '<=>' => \&vcmp, 'cmp' => \&vcmp, ); use constant REGEX => qr/ ( (?i: Revision: \s+ ) | v | ) ( \d+ (?: [.] \d+)* ) ( (?: _ \d+ )? ) /x; use constant MATCH => qr/ ^ ( \s* ) @{[ REGEX ]} ( \s* ) $ /x; my %NORMAL_FORMAT = ( prefix => 'v', printf => ['%d'], extend => '.%d', alpha => '_%02d', suffix => '', fields => 3, ); my %NUMERIC_FORMAT = ( prefix => '', printf => [ '%d', '.%03d' ], extend => '%03d', alpha => '_%02d', suffix => '', fields => 2, ); my %COMPONENT_NAME; BEGIN { %COMPONENT_NAME = ( revision => 0, version => 1, subversion => 2 ); # Make accessors my @fields = ( keys %COMPONENT_NAME, qw( alpha ) ); no strict 'refs'; for my $field ( @fields ) { *$field = sub { my $self = shift; return $self->component( $field, @_ ); }; my $inc_func = "inc_$field"; *$inc_func = sub { my $self = shift; return $self->increment( $field ); }; } } sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = bless {}, ref $class || $class || croak "new must be called as a class or object method"; $self->{version} = [0]; $self->_parse( @_ ) if @_; return $self; } sub _resolve_component_name { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; if ( $name =~ /^-?\d+$/ ) { # Allow negative subscripts $name += $self->components if $name < 0; return $name; } croak "Unknown component name: $name" unless exists $COMPONENT_NAME{ lc( $name ) }; return $COMPONENT_NAME{ lc( $name ) }; } sub _guess_num_format { my $self = shift; my $num = shift; if ( $num =~ m{ ^ 0 \d }x ) { return '%0' . length( $num ) . 'd'; } return '%d'; } sub _parse { my $self = shift; # Check for vstring before anything else happens if ( $] >= 5.008_001 && Scalar::Util::isvstring $_[0] ) { $self->{format} = {%NORMAL_FORMAT}; my @parts = map { ord } split //, shift; $self->{version} = \@parts; return; } my $version = join( ' ', map { "$_" } @_ ); croak "Illegal version string: $version" unless $version =~ MATCH; my $format = { fields => 1 }; my ( $pad, $pfx, $ver, $alp, $sfx ) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 ); # Decode version into format $format->{prefix} = $pad . $pfx; $format->{suffix} = $sfx; my @parts = split( /[.]/, $ver ); my @ver = ( shift( @parts ) + 0 ); my @fmt = ( $self->_guess_num_format( $ver[0] ) ); if ( @parts == 1 && length( $parts[0] ) >= 3 ) { my $threes = pop @parts; my @cluster = ( $threes =~ /(\d{1,3})/g ); # warn "# $threes <", join( '>, <', @cluster ), ">\n"; push @fmt, map { $self->_guess_num_format( $_ ) } @cluster; $fmt[1] = '.' . $fmt[1]; $format->{extend} = '%03d'; push @parts, map { 0 + $_ } @cluster; } else { # Parts with leading zeros my @lz = grep { m{ ^ 0 \d }x } @parts; # Work out how many different lengths we have my %le = map { length( $_ ) => 1 } @parts; if ( @lz && keys %le == 1 ) { push @fmt, ( '.' . $self->_guess_num_format( shift @lz ) ) x @parts; } else { push @fmt, map { '.' . $self->_guess_num_format( $_ ) } @parts; } $format->{extend} = ( @parts ? '' : '.' ) . $fmt[-1]; } $format->{printf} = \@fmt; if ( length( $alp ) ) { die "Badly formatted alpha got through" unless $alp =~ m{ _ (\d+) }x; my $alpha = $1; $self->{alpha} = $alpha + 0; $format->{alpha} = '_' . $self->_guess_num_format( $alpha ); } else { $format->{alpha} = $NORMAL_FORMAT{alpha}; } $self->{format} = $format; push @ver, map { $_ + 0 } @parts; $self->{version} = \@ver; return; } sub _format { my $self = shift; my $format = shift; my @result = (); my @parts = @{ $self->{version} }; my @fmt = @{ $format->{printf} }; push @parts, 0 while @parts < $format->{fields}; # Adjust the format to be the same length as the number of fields pop @fmt while @fmt > @parts; push @fmt, $format->{extend} while @parts > @fmt; my $version = ( $format->{prefix} ) . sprintf( join( '', @fmt ), @parts ) . ( $format->{suffix} ); $version .= sprintf( $format->{alpha}, $self->{alpha} ) if defined $self->{alpha}; push @result, $version; return join( ' ', @result ); } sub stringify { my $self = shift; return $self->_format( $self->{format} || \%NORMAL_FORMAT ); } sub normal { return shift->_format( \%NORMAL_FORMAT ); } sub numify { return shift->_format( \%NUMERIC_FORMAT ); } sub is_alpha { my $self = shift; return exists $self->{alpha}; } sub vcmp { my ( $self, $other, $rev ) = @_; # Promote to object $other = __PACKAGE__->new( $other ) unless ref $other; croak "Can't compare with $other" unless blessed $other && $other->isa( __PACKAGE__ ); return $other->vcmp( $self, 0 ) if $rev; my @this = @{ $self->{version} }; my @that = @{ $other->{version} }; push @this, 0 while @this < @that; push @that, 0 while @that < @this; while ( @this ) { if ( my $cmp = ( shift( @this ) <=> shift( @that ) ) ) { return $cmp; } } return ( $self->{alpha} || 0 ) <=> ( $other->{alpha} || 0 ); } sub components { my $self = shift; if ( @_ ) { my $fields = shift; if ( ref $fields eq 'ARRAY' ) { $self->{version} = [@$fields]; } else { croak "Can't set the number of components to 0" unless $fields; # Adjust the number of fields pop @{ $self->{version} }, while @{ $self->{version} } > $fields; push @{ $self->{version} }, 0, while @{ $self->{version} } < $fields; } } else { return @{ $self->{version} }; } } sub component { my $self = shift; my $field = shift; defined $field or croak "You must specify a component number"; if ( lc( $field ) eq 'alpha' ) { if ( @_ ) { my $alpha = shift; if ( $alpha ) { $self->{alpha} = $alpha; } else { delete $self->{alpha}; } } else { return $self->{alpha} || 0; } } else { $field = $self->_resolve_component_name( $field ); my $fields = $self->components; if ( @_ ) { if ( $field >= $fields ) { # Extend array if necessary $self->components( $field + 1 ); } $self->{version}->[$field] = shift; } else { return unless $field >= 0 && $field < $fields; return $self->{version}->[$field]; } } } sub increment { my $self = shift; my $field = shift; my $fields = $self->components; if ( lc( $field ) eq 'alpha' ) { $self->alpha( $self->alpha + 1 ); } else { $field = $self->_resolve_component_name( $field ); croak "Component $field is out of range 0..", $fields - 1 if $field < 0 || $field >= $fields; # Increment the field $self->component( $field, $self->component( $field ) + 1 ); # Zero out any following fields while ( ++$field < $fields ) { $self->component( $field, 0 ); } $self->alpha( 0 ); } } sub set { my $self = shift; my $other = shift; $other = __PACKAGE__->new( $other ) unless ref $other; my @comp = $other->components; $self->components( \@comp ); $self->alpha( $other->alpha ); } 1; __END__ =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Perl::Version - Parse and manipulate Perl version strings =head1 VERSION This document describes Perl::Version version 1.013_03 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Perl::Version; # Init from string my $version = Perl::Version->new( '1.2.3' ); # Stringification preserves original format print "$version\n"; # prints '1.2.3' # Normalised print $version->normal, "\n"; # prints 'v1.2.3' # Numified print $version->numify, "\n"; # prints '1.002003' # Explicitly stringified print $version->stringify, "\n"; # prints '1.2.3' # Increment the subversion (the third component) $version->inc_subversion; # Stringification returns the updated version formatted # as the original was print "$version\n"; # prints '1.2.4' # Normalised print $version->normal, "\n"; # prints 'v1.2.4' # Numified print $version->numify, "\n"; # prints '1.002004' # Refer to subversion component by position ( zero based ) $version->increment( 2 ); print "$version\n"; # prints '1.2.5' # Increment the version (second component) which sets all # components to the right of it to zero. $version->inc_version; print "$version\n"; # prints '1.3.0' # Increment the revision (main version number) $version->inc_revision; print "$version\n"; # prints '2.0.0' # Increment the alpha number $version->inc_alpha; print "$version\n"; # prints '2.0.0_001' =head1 DESCRIPTION Perl::Version provides a simple interface for parsing, manipulating and formatting Perl version strings. Unlike (which concentrates on parsing and comparing version strings) Perl::Version is designed for cases where you'd like to parse a version, modify it and get back the modified version formatted like the original. For example: my $version = Perl::Version->new( '1.2.3' ); $version->inc_version; print "$version\n"; prints 1.3.0 whereas my $version = Perl::Version->new( 'v1.02.03' ); $version->inc_version; print "$version\n"; prints v1.03.00 Both are representations of the same version and they'd compare equal but their formatting is different. Perl::Version tries hard to guess and recreate the format of the original version and in most cases it succeeds. In rare cases the formatting is ambiguous. Consider 1.10.03 Do you suppose that second component '10' is zero padded like the third component? Perl::Version will assume that it is: my $version = Perl::Version->new( '1.10.03' ); $version->inc_revision; print "$version\n"; will print 2.00.00 If all of the components after the first are the same length (two characters in this case) and any of them begins with a zero Perl::Version will assume that they're all zero padded to the same length. The first component and any alpha suffix are handled separately. In each case if either of them starts with a zero they will be zero padded to the same length when stringifying the version. =head2 Version Formats Perl::Version supports a few different version string formats. =over =item Z<> 1, 1.2 Versions that look like a number. If you pass a numeric value its string equivalent will be parsed: my $version = Perl::Version->new( 1.2 ); print "$version\n"; prints 1.2 In fact there is no special treatment for versions that resemble decimal numbers. This is worthy of comment only because it differs from which treats actual numbers used as versions as a special case and performs various transformations on the stored version. =item Z<> 1.2.3, Simple versions with three or more components. =item Z<> v1.2.3 Versions with a leading 'v'. =item Z<> 5.008006 Fielded numeric versions. You'll likely have seen this in relation to versions of Perl itself. If a version string has a single decimal point and the part after the point is three more more digits long, components are extracted from each group of three digits in the fractional part. For example my $version = Perl::Version->new( 1.002003004005006 ); print $version->normal; prints v1. =item vstring Perls later than 5.8.1 support vstring format. A vstring looks like a number with more than one decimal point and (optionally) a leading 'v'. The 'v' is mandatory for vstrings containing fewer than two decimal points. Perl::Version will successfully parse vstrings my $version = Perl::Version->new( v1.2 ); print "$version\n"; prints v1.2 Note that stringifying a Perl::Version constructed from a vstring will result in a regular string. Because it has no way of knowing whether the vstring constant had a 'v' prefix it always generates one when stringifying back to a version string. =item CVS version A common idiom for users of CVS is to use keyword replacement to generate a version automatically like this: $VERSION = version->new( qw$Revision: 2.7 $ ); Perl::Version does the right thing with such versions so that my $version = Perl::Version->new( qw$Revision: 2.7 $ ); $version->inc_revision; print "$version\n"; prints Revision: 3.0 =back =head3 Real Numbers Real numbers are stringified before parsing. This has two implications: trailing zeros after the decimal point will be lost and any underscore characters in the number are discarded. Perl allows underscores anywhere in numeric constants as an aid to formatting. These are discarded when Perl converts the number into its internal format. This means that # Numeric version print Perl::Version->new( 1.001_001 )->stringify; prints 1.001001 but # String version print Perl::Version->new( '1.001_001' )->stringify; prints 1.001_001 as expected. In general you should probably avoid versions expressed either as decimal numbers or vstrings. The safest option is to pass a regular string to Perl::Version->new(). =head3 Alpha Versions By convention if a version string has suffix that consists of an underscore followed by one or more digits it represents an alpha or developer release. CPAN treats modules with such version strings specially to reflect their alpha status. This alpha notation is one reason why using decimal numbers as versions is a bad idea. Underscore is a valid character in numeric constants which is discarded by Perl when a program's source is parsed so any intended alpha suffix will become part of the version number. To be considered alpha a version must have a non-zero alpha component like this 3.0.4_001 Generally the alpha component will be formatted with leading zeros but this is not a requirement. =head2 Component Naming A version number consists of a series of components. By Perl convention the first three components are named 'revision', 'version' and 'subversion': $ perl -V Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 6) configuration: (etc) Perl::Version follows that convention. Any component may be accessed by passing a number from 0 to N-1 to the L<component> or L<increment> but for convenience the first three components are aliased as L<revision>, L<version> and L<subversion>. $version->increment( 0 ); is the same as $version->inc_revision; and my $subv = $version->subversion; is the same as my $subv = $version->component( 2 ); The alpha component is named 'alpha'. =head2 Comparison with If you're familiar with you'll notice that there's a certain amount of overlap between what it does and this module. I originally created this module as a mutable subclass of but the requirement to be able to reformat a modified version to match the formatting of the original didn't sit well with's internals. As a result this module is not dependent or based on =head1 INTERFACE =over =item C<< new >> Create a new Perl::Version by parsing a version string. As discussed above a number of different version formats are supported. Along with the value of the version formatting information is captured so that the version can be modified and the updated value retrieved in the same format as the original. my @version = ( '1.3.0', 'v1.03.00', '1.10.03', '2.00.00', '1.2', 'v1.', 'v1.2', 'Revision: 3.0', '1.001001', '1.001_001', '3.0.4_001', ); for my $v ( @version ) { my $version = Perl::Version->new( $v ); $version->inc_version; print "$version\n"; } prints 1.4.0 v1.04.00 1.11.00 2.01.00 1.3 v1. v1.3 Revision: 3.1 1.002000 1.002 3.1.0 In each case the incremented version is formatted in the same way as the original. If no arguments are passed an empty version intialised to 'v0' will be constructed. In order to support CVS version syntax my $version = Perl::Version->new( qw$Revision: 2.7 $ ); C<new> may be passed an array in which case it concatenates all of its arguments with spaces before parsing the result. If the string can't be parsed as a version C<new> will croak with a suitable error. See L<DIAGNOSTICS> for more information. =back =head2 Accessors =over =item C<< component >> Set or get one of the components of a version. # Set the subversion $version->component( 2, 17 ); # Get the revision my $rev = $version->component( 0 ); Instead of a component number you may pass a name: 'revision', 'version', 'subversion' or 'alpha': my $rev = $version->component( 'revision' ); =item C<< components >> Get or set all of the components of a version. # Set the number of components $version->components( 4 ); # Get the number of components my $parts = $version->components; # Get the individual components as an array my @parts = $version->components; # Set the components from an array $version->components( [ 5, 9, 2 ] ); Hmm. That's a lot of interface for one subroutine. Sorry about that. =item C<< revision >> Alias for C<< component( 0 ) >>. Gets or sets the revision component. =item C<< version >> Alias for C<< component( 1 ) >>. Gets or sets the version component. =item C<< subversion >> Alias for C<< component( 2 ) >>. Gets or sets the subversion component. =item C<< alpha >> Get or set the alpha component of a version. Returns 0 for versions with no alpha. # Set alpha $version->alpha( 12 ); # Get alpha my $alp = $version->alpha; =item C<< is_alpha >> Return true if a version has a non-zero alpha component. =item C<< set >> Set the version to match another version preserving the formatting of this version. $version->set( $other_version ); You may also set the version from a literal string: $version->set( '1.2.3' ); The version will be updated to the value of the version string but will retain its current formatting. =back =head2 Incrementing =over =item C<< increment >> Increment a component of a version. my $version = Perl::Version->new( '3.1.4' ); $version->increment( 1 ); print "$version\n"; prints 3.2.0 Components to the right of the incremented component will be set to zero as will any alpha component. As an alternative to passing a component number one of the predefined component names 'revision', 'version', 'subversion' or 'alpha' may be passed. =item C<< inc_alpha >> Increment a version's alpha component. =item C<< inc_revision >> Increment a version's revision component. =item C<< inc_subversion >> Increment a version's subversion component. =item C<< inc_version >> Increment a version's version component. =back =head2 Formatting =over =item C<< normal >> Return a normalised representation of a version. my $version = Perl::Version->new( '5.008007_01' ); print $version->normal, "\n"; prints v5.8.7_001 =item C<< numify >> Return a numeric representation of a version. The numeric form is most frequently used for versions of Perl itself. my $version = Perl::Version->new( '5.8.7_1' ); print $version->normal, "\n"; prints 5.008007_001 =item C<< stringify >> Return the version formatted as closely as possible to the version from which it was initialised. my $version = Perl::Version->new( '5.008007_01' ); $version->inc_alpha; print $version->stringify, "\n"; prints 5.008007_02 and my $version = Perl::Version->new( '5.8.7_1' ); $version->inc_alpha; print $version->stringify, "\n"; prints 5.8.7_2 =back =head2 Comparison =over =item C<< vcmp >> Perform 'spaceship' comparison between two version and return -1, 0 or 1 depending on their ordering. Comparisons are semantically correct so that my $v1 = Perl::Version->new( '1.002001' ); my $v2 = Perl::Version->new( '1.1.3' ); print ($v1->vcmp( $v2 ) > 0 ? 'yes' : 'no'), "\n"; prints yes =back =head2 Overloaded Operators =over =item C<< <=> >> and C<< cmp >> The C<< <=> >> and C<< cmp >> operators are overloaded (by the L<vcmp> method) so that comparisons between versions work as expected. This means that the other numeric and string comparison operators also work as expected. my $v1 = Perl::Version->new( '1.002001' ); my $v2 = Perl::Version->new( '1.1.3' ); print "OK!\n" if $v1 > $v2; prints OK! =item C<< "" >> (stringification) Perl::Version objects are converted to strings by calling the L<stringify> method. This usually results in formatting close to that of the original version string. =back =head2 Constants =over =item C<< REGEX >> An unanchored regular expression that matches any of the version formats supported by Perl::Version. Three captures get the prefix part, the main body of the version and any alpha suffix respectively. my $version = 'v1.2.3.4_5'; my ($prefix, $main, $suffix) = ($version =~ Perl::Version::REGEX); print "$prefix\n$main\n$suffix\n"; prints v _5 =item C<< MATCH >> An anchored regular expression that matches a correctly formatted version string. Five captures get any leading whitespace, the prefix part, the main body of the version, any alpha suffix and any trailing spaces respectively. my $version = ' v1.2.3.4_5 '; my ($before, $prefix, $main, $suffix, $after) = ($version =~ Perl::Version::MATCH); print "|$before|$prefix|$main|$suffix|$after|\n"; prints | |v||_5| | =back =head1 DIAGNOSTICS =head2 Error messages =over =item C<< Illegal version string: %s >> The version string supplied to C<new> can't be parsed as a valid version. Valid versions match this regex: qr/ ( (?i: Revision: \s+ ) | v | ) ( \d+ (?: [.] \d+)* ) ( (?: _ \d+ )? ) /x; =item C<< new must be called as a class or object method >> C<new> can't be called as a normal subroutine. Use $version_object->new( '1.2.3' ); or Perl::Version->new( '1.2.3' ); instead of Perl::Version::new( '1.2.3' ); =item C<< Unknown component name: %s >> You've attempted to access a component by name using a name that isn't recognised. Valid component names are 'revision', 'version', 'subversion' and 'alpha'. Case is not significant. =item C<< Can't compare with %s >> You've tried to compare a Perl::Version with something other than a version string, a number or another Perl::Version. =item C<< Can't set the number of components to 0 >> Versions must have at least one component. =item C<< You must specify a component number >> You've called L<component> or L<increment> without specifying the number (or name) of the component to access. =item C<< Component %s is out of range 0..%s >> You've attempted to increment a component of a version but you've specified a component that doesn't exist within the version: # Fails my $version = Perl::Version->new( '1.4' ); $version->increment( 2 ); Slightly confusingly you'll see this message even if you specified the component number implicitly by using one of the named convenience accessors. =back =head1 CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENT Perl::Version requires no configuration files or environment variables. =head1 DEPENDENCIES No non-core modules. =head1 INCOMPATIBILITIES None reported. =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<>, or through the web interface at L<>. =head1 AUTHOR Andy Armstrong C<< <> >> Hans Dieter Pearcey C<< <> >> =head1 LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2007, Andy Armstrong C<< <> >>. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>. =head1 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY BECAUSE THIS SOFTWARE IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE SOFTWARE, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE SOFTWARE AS PERMITTED BY THE ABOVE LICENCE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.