#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use 5.005; # Need look-behind assertions use Getopt::Std; use Make; getopts('gnpf:j:C:'); my @opt = ($opt_g,$opt_f,$opt_j,$opt_C,$opt_p,$opt_n); my $info = Make->new(GNU => $opt_g, Override => { MAKE => "$^X $0" }, Makefile => $opt_f, Jobs => $opt_j, Dir => $opt_C); $info->Print(@ARGV) if ($opt_p); if ($opt_n) { $info->Script(@ARGV); } else { $info->Make(@ARGV); } =head1 NAME pmake - a perl 'make' replacement =head1 SYNOPSIS make [-n] [-g] [-p] [-C directory] targets =head1 DESCRIPTION Performs the same function as make(1) but is written entirely in perl. A subset of GNU make extensions is supported. For details see L<Make> for the underlying perl module. =head1 BUGS =item * No B<-k> flag I strongly suspect there are lots more. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Make>, make(1) =head1 AUTHOR Nick Ing-Simmons =cut