Revision history for Perl module PerlPowerTools

1.005 2015-04-17T01:20:12Z
	* Don't install at the same location as perl. Make the
	user think about where to install them so these tools 
	don't interfere with the real tools of the same name.

1.004 - 2014-12-20
	* Try to get first come permissions on ppt so I can close those
	tickets (and release something to replace ppt)

1.003 - 2014-12-18
	* Fix all the issues in the old ppt bugs list (
	* All programs have embedded metadata (Tim Gim Yee)
	* Fixes to wc, paste (Dmitri Tikhonov)
	* The repo is now PerlPowerTools, not the old ppt
	* factor now works correctly (Dana Jacobsen)
	* A typo fix in diff (Sergey Romanov)

1.002_03 - 2014-09-15
	* Add tests for true and false (that's easy!)
	* Start the TODO file with what needs to happen
	* Fix some programs for v5.21 and disappearing syntax

1.002_02 - 2014-09-15
	* Fix syntax deprecations enforced in v5.22

1.02_01 - 2014-09-14
	* Let's try a different way of running the command to compile
	the programs

1.02 - 2014-09-12
	* Trim the distribution, drastically. Let MetaCPAN be the website.

1.01 - 2014-09-12
	* Let's update Perl Power Tools and make it easier to find
	* I'm not sure all of the programs even ran, but at least they
	compile now
	* I've probably broken some things, but now I want to see what's

0.14 - 2004-08-04
	* 'make manifest' skips legit tarballs, fixed with new utillity, Casey West
	* New col and words, Ronald J Kimball
	* Website now includes version number, Casey West

0.13 - 2004-07-23
	* Casey West takes over management.
	* grep/tcgrep - New revision by Paul Johnson
	* sort/sort.pudge - New revision by Chris Nandor
	* html/poem.html - Added, found in LWN archives, Casey West
	* Tom's ambition was found in his mkidx script, exposed by Casey West
	* Most recent known original ppt dist included, Casey West