#!/usr/bin/perl =begin metadata Name: ping Description: probe for network hosts Author: Nick Ing-Simmons, nick@ni-s.u-net.com License: perl =end metadata =cut use strict; use Getopt::Std; use Socket; use Net::Ping; my %opt; getopts('nI:',\%opt); die "Usage: $0 host [timeout]\n" unless @ARGV; my $host = shift; my $timeout = (@ARGV) ? shift : 20; my $a = gethostbyname($host); if ( $a ) { if ( $opt{'n'} ) { my $name = inet_ntoa($a); $host = $name if ($name); } else { my $name = gethostbyaddr($a,PF_INET); $host = $name if ($name); } my $handle = Net::Ping->new($> ? 'udp' : 'icmp', $timeout); if ( $handle->ping($host) ) { warn "$host is alive\n"; } else { die "No answer from $host"; } } else { die "Unknown host $host\n"; } __END__ =head1 NAME ping - probe for network hosts =head1 SYNOPSIS ping [-n] hostname [ timeout ] =head1 DESCRIPTION C<ping> looks up I<hostname> and then attempts to contact it via the network. If the effective userid permits an ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) ECHO_REQUEST packet is sent, otherwise and attempt is made to connect to the echo port using UDP protocol. A I<timeout> may be specified in seconds. The default is 20 seconds. If C<-n> option is specified then the address of I<hostname> is reported as numbers. =head1 AUTHOR Nick Ing-Simmons <nick@ni-s.u-net.com> =cut