Revision history for Perl module Pod::WordML

0.165 2021-02-09T00:19:18Z
	* I'm abandoning this module. You can adopt it if you like:

0.164 2017-04-22T21:11:22Z
	* Adjust a prerequisite for testing.

0.163 2017-04-17T09:50:16Z
	* Clarify that everything is under the Artistic License 2.0

0.162 2017-04-17T09:44:59Z
	* I renamed the GitHub repo, so lots of tiny references had to update

0.161 2017-04-17T09:40:47Z
	* Fix a relative require issue for the upcoming removal of .
	in @INC in v5.26.

0.16 - 2014-01-05
	* Get rid of pod coverage tests, since almost all of the methods
	come from the Pod::Simple interface

0.15 - 2014-01-03
	* Update the expected output to make the tests pass
	* Get rid of MYMETA

0.13 - 2009-11-16
	* The claim that I handled =item, em dashes, and ellipsis
	in 0.12 was a big lie. Let's hope it's the truth this

0.12 - 2009-11-15
	* Handle =item