Revision history for Perl module Set::CrossProduct

2.008 2022-03-15T17:50:35Z
	* Guard for possible future autovivification of string filehandle targets.
	This updates a test, but the rest of the code is the smae.

2.007 2022-01-08T22:17:43Z
	* No code changes. Fixed a link in README.pod.

2.006 2021-02-03T16:11:31Z
	* Note that combinations() has a scalar and list context.
	* Re-order the method names to be alphabetical.

2.005 2021-02-03T01:29:11Z
	* Note that an error in arguments returns undef (Github #5)
	* Warn in odd cases in new() if warnings are enabled

2.004 2021-01-17T11:09:59Z
	* fixed bug with labeled() always returning 1 (Github #4, arhimed2t)
	* freshen distro, remove Travis CI, add Github Actions

2.003 2018-04-27T14:33:05Z
	* Clarify that it's Artistic License 2.0

2.002 2016-09-26T15:05:11Z
	* Correct prereq in Makefile to match test files

2.001 2016-09-22T15:47:56Z
	* Update to stable version.

2.000_02 2016-09-19T20:16:21Z
	* Fix a test regression with named sets
	* RT 117962 (

2.000_01 2016-09-19T19:29:35Z
	* Document the labeled sets feature.
	* For this new feature, bump the major version

1.96_01 2015-03-09T16:37:44Z
	* Matt Miller implemented named sets.

1.95 - 2011-11-28
	* Fix the synopsis examples
	* No code changes

1.93 - 2007-11-24
	* cleanups for the move from CVS to SVN
	* added the cross(1) program to use this from the command line
	* now requires Perl 5.006

1.92 - 2007-06-20
	* Handle empty sets in the product. This means that the product is
	empty. Previously, it caused an infinite loop.
	* Everyone should upgrade.

1.91 - 2007-03-18
	* Cleaning up dist for new SVN repository
	* No feature changes, so no need to upgrade

1.09 - 2007-01-09
	* updated copyright and license info
	* no code changes, so no need to upgrade

1.08 - 2006-05-17
	* Updated distribution, pod coverage tests, and copyright.
	* There aren't any code changes so you don't need to upgrade.

1.06 - 2005-03-11
	* Added POD coverage tests, fixed issues
	* no code changes: no need to upgrade

1.05 - 2004-09-08
	* cleaned up the distribution, added README
	* no need to upgrade if you already have this module